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Kruvcraft last won the day on July 1 2022

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    Realme xt
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  1. I wrote a snippet in the repository. I think that should be enough.
  2. Kruvcraft


    Oh, thank you.
  3. Kruvcraft


    View File GGIl2cpp This script is only needed to make it easier to work with Il2cpp. More information can be found in the github repository. You can also report script errors either by writing to me in private messages or by creating an issue on github. You can also suggest an idea for the development of the module by sending it to me in private messages. Submitter Kruvcraft Submitted 06/30/2022 Category Tools  
  4. Kruvcraft


    Version 1.11.0


    This script is only needed to make it easier to work with Il2cpp. More information can be found in the github repository. You can also report script errors either by writing to me in private messages or by creating an issue on github. You can also suggest an idea for the development of the module by sending it to me in private messages.
  5. sorry, but I'm only modifying the game, I don't know how the network component of games works
  6. it's just not a fact that this function is used , many functions can be written, but not used by developers. This is a common practice, so you should not waste time, the variables themselves can be effective in other functions , you should look for better ones
  7. It's just weird that the changes don't affect the game
  8. Are you sure that this function is used by the game ?
  9. Yes, it works on the latest version , but I still updated it
  10. View File HeadLand hack This script is for the game Headland. Functions: HUGE DAMAGE, UNLOCK GAME Submitter Kruvcraft Submitted 12/26/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This script is for the game Headland. Functions: HUGE DAMAGE, UNLOCK GAME
  12. View File script for Otherworld Legends This is a script for the game otherworld legends. You can find out all the details in the repository of this script If a particular function does not work in the script, you can write about it in private messages, but provide screenshots or videos with proof of the malfunction. Please make sure that this bug is not due to your firmware. Submitter Kruvcraft Submitted 11/11/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 2.1.1


    This is a script for the game otherworld legends. You can find out all the details in the repository of this script If a particular function does not work in the script, you can write about it in private messages, but provide screenshots or videos with proof of the malfunction. Please make sure that this bug is not due to your firmware.
  14. I just went through this game and I don't see the point of updating the script , because I created cheats for myself
  15. View File My collection of scripts This is my collection of scripts for certain versions of games. Currently, the collection includes: otherworld legends, evil lands, etc. Submitter Kruvcraft Submitted 10/14/2020 Category LUA scripts  
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