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Everything posted by Milourri

  1. Since last thursday, who has been banned?
  2. I havent seen any of this checks you said. I’ve max out cards in a city (war rank 29) then i’ve cloned said city. Now i have a club with all cloned cities and none of us have been banned. i see many scotland clubs, l dont know wich one is yours.
  3. i have my own club, i can assure you i´m not in naughty island. What makes you think that having cards leveled up will ban you? It won´t.
  4. Hey, has anyone found a way to get a higher war rank? I have a new city with max out cards but a war rank 5. It looks suspicious.
  5. OMG please help a rookie
  6. ok, understood. How about when i use all 8 slots in neo market? Can i refresh without using sim cash? Sorry, i´m super new at this and i barely understand.
  7. i´m doing it and so far its ok, i only multiplied items. So here´s my doubt. I´ve follow the steps of the portuguese pdf, but i know someone in my team who does this same trick but he is level 18. In order to unlock neo market you have to be level 30. HOW THE F DOES HE DO IT!!??
  8. I´ve found them. But now I can´t change from original item code to the code I want. I feel like is something really stupid and i´m missing it, so that makes me even more stupid.
  9. Hi, it doesn´t work for me. I can´t find the items codes. All 00000. Please can you help me?
  10. Hey guys, i`m about to try this. Is it possible that they`ll send me to naughty island? It has already happen to me but hacking sim cash. Thanks!
  11. Same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago, i wasn´t using GG, just Nox or Memu. When these two stopped working i came here to try and fix it, but it´s impossible either way.
  12. Hi. I’ve tried to do this butbits impossible, i’ve been banned twice now. First time i was greedy and obvious. Second time i did it offline, first 100 simcash, then 800. Instantly banned. What am i doing wrong? Please help me.
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