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    OnePlus 7 Pro

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  1. Thanks so much for the update sir. Hopefully you will update AutoVIP soon
  2. Please update the script for v12.2.2
  3. I can't upgrade. I'm playing the game on OnePlus 7 Pro running Android 14.
  4. I am unable to make my cars to VIP. I selected "upgrade" when I run the script. It says "Script ended. No result"
  5. The script doesn't work on v12.01. Please kindly update. Thanks.
  6. I followed all @Hann26 and @MC874 procedures and it is still the same error. Can't the admin or the author of GameGuardian just update the required SDK to support Android 14 so as to avoid all these issues?
  7. Ofcourse USB Debugging is enabled. Phone is fully rooted running Android 14.
  8. I am getting exactly this error, saying no devices/emulators found I input these and still getting the same error.
  9. @MC874 This guide is really confusing. For example, I downloaded the GameGuardain apk file to the default Download folder in my Android device. I believe the path of the download folder is /storage/emulated/0/Download So if I want to use Termux to install the apk, will I type this in Termux app, "sudo adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block /storage/emulated/0/Download/GameGuardian.101.1.apk" or how am I going to type it?
  10. I tried the above method on OnePlus 7 Pro running Android 14. It didn't work.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. Please update to support v9.6.0
  13. @MarioRossi93i Please can you kindly hack"Total Gold Gained" ?? @BreadKiller created a script that can hack Total Gold Gained but it's not working on v9.6.0 https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/27008-real-racing-3-hack/#comments
  14. Wow! This script still works on the latest v9.6.0
  15. Thank you so much for updating this hack! You are the man
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