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Everything posted by FahimZS

  1. FahimZS

    Wall hack

    I got the value of dimensions but how am i supposed to change it?? @PAF13 @Enyby
  2. FahimZS

    Wall hack

  3. FahimZS

    Wall hack

  4. FahimZS

    Wall hack

    How can i go inside walls? Is there anyway i can do that if there is then please give me tutorials or tell me how to do that. And will that work on every game?
  5. FahimZS

    Calculate offset,xor

    Thank you @Enyby @NoFear
  6. FahimZS

    Calculate offset,xor

    @NoFear @Enyby one last question if xor... =444444 then if i put 1 in value then xor 444444=444445 if i put 4 in value then xor 444444=444440 and if i put 44 in value then xor 444444=444464 how to calculate xor easily is there anyway to calculate xor easily with normal calculator?? If yes then let me know please i searched in google but didn't got anything Thank you
  7. FahimZS

    Calculate offset,xor

    @NoFear thank you now i understand one more problem i found right now that is how to find xor key i tried value is encrypted but there is two value in Pokemon magikarp jump @Enyby Thank you
  8. FahimZS

    Calculate offset,xor

    @NoFear I'm just trying to understand the goto address edit I'm trying to hack pokemon magikarp jump i watched the video of hacking Pokemon magikarp jump i successfully hacked Pokemon magikarp jump but now i want to understand the edit please can you tell me the goto address edit please Thank you
  9. FahimZS

    Calculate offset,xor

    How does calculate offset,xor works i read the post of @NoFear about xor but in the edit section i didn't understand goto address,copy the value above(xor key) can anyone tell me which value i have to copy and how to use xor edit from goto address Thank you
  10. @NoFear can you explain how pointer works? I'm confused
  11. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    @Enyby Okay Thanks
  12. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    I'm 16 too and i really want to help others if i know something and they don't
  13. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    @Enyby thanks _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later @Enyby one more question what will happen if i use O,B,Xa,Xs ??
  14. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    @Enyby is there any way to know that the game is made using C???
  15. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    Oh i thought there is some section about c
  16. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    Where is c can you tell me please @Enyby
  17. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    One more question how to know that the game using pointer
  18. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    Okay thanks
  19. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    What am i supposed to search in google just give me an example
  20. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    I don't understand anything about pointer
  21. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    Ok thank you but what am i supposed to search
  22. FahimZS

    Explain the pointer

    Can anyone explain how pointer works i watched video of how to hack last day on earth and didn't understand anything so please and explain how pointer works Thank You
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