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Everything posted by Backlift

  1. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    1_added some spaces, the comments are now bettter 2_fixed it's 4 or less now. 3_i added the suggested code but it crashes, nevermind. 4_yes, made it gg.alert 5_I thought its seconds, ok it's 100 now. 0.1 second to ensure window pops up right after user opens game guardian again 6_well it does the job though anyway, but I changed it 7_i found goto command more convinient for myself. 8_added version checking _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Fixed version: (1.1) --#1 lines that start with "--" are comments, they won't be run by script executer --#2 you can execute "print(gg)" command to see a short help and available options for commands, it's also available at first post of Lua scripts by Enyby at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/ --#3 this is a simple example for lua scripts, provided by backlift at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/profile/563312-backlift/ --#4 some functions of this script may conflict with gameguardian search helper function, recommend to disable it before running this script --#5 each comment is related to the code above it if gg.BUILD < 5511 then gg.alert('You need newer version of GG to run this script. At least build 5511.') os.exit() end --if gameguardian build number is below 5511, means the script will not work,so it aborts the script and exits ::a:: -- checkpoint "a" to restart the script if there are a lot of values found d = gg.prompt -- "d" is a value and = means its equal to value got from "gg.prompt" -- "gg.prompt" shows a window and requires an input from user ({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, -- title of the required value, we named the value as "A" here, We could even use "Dooblins or orbs" but that makes the functional part of the code a bit long and it may bring some mistakes. {A='0',}) -- default input of the value "A" gg.toast -- toasts a message, for reminding credits, helps, warnings or etc... ('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') -- text of the toast message gg.setRanges -- set the search region ( gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) -- the region of the value, for comlplete list of regions, check comment #2 gg.searchNumber -- starts a search (d['A'], -- searchs for value "d" that has the input of "A" from "gg.prompt" gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, -- type of the value, for comlplete list of types, check comment #2 true, -- encrypted (true) or NOT encrypted (false) gg.SIGN_EQUAL, -- define if it is equal, inequal, bigger or smaller than input value "A", see comment #2 for more info 0, -- starting position of memory for scanning -1) -- ending position of memory for scanning if gg.getResultCount() <= 4 -- this is an "if" command to make the script do commands based on situation. -- "gg.getResultCount()" will get the number of results found from search -- this commands checks that "gg.getResultCount" is equal to 4 or not, if it is equal, it goes to "then" command, if Not, it goes to "else" command then gg.editAll('100000000', -- edits all values and set them to '100000000' gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) -- type of the values to edit, see comment #2 for more info gg.alert -- show a window with Ok button ('Hacking Done, Enjoy') -- text of the "gg.alert" window print -- shows a text at the script end window ('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') -- text for the "print" function goto c -- goto command will jump to the checkpoint defined -- it jumps to checkpoint "c" to end the script if values are found and hacked successfully else gg.setVisible(false) -- if value not found or too much, hide the gameguardian window gg.alert -- show the user a message, this is to inform the user there are currently too much values found, the user may go in the game and change the value then open the gameguardian window again by tapping on it's floating icon ('Too much values found, Go to game and change the value, then open gameguardian window again') end -- end of if statement, it is mandatory ::b:: -- checkpoint "b" for gameguardian to sleep untill user has changed the value gg.sleep(100) -- sleep 1 second until next command, so it will not continiously be running, or it supposed to be if not gg.isVisible() then goto b -- if gameguardian not visible, goto checkpoint b and rest 1 second then check again, user must change the value and then tap on gameguardian icon again so the code will pass this section and continue else goto a -- if gameguardian is visible, means user has opened it because it changed the value, go to checkpoint "a" to start the process again end -- end of if command ::c:: -- checkpoint "c" to end the script if the value is found and seccussfully hacked -- example made by backlift -- you may edit this example and make it for other games. -- hit the thanks if you used it :)
  2. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Thanks for reply, fixing the issues now.
  3. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Better version here: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/?do=findComment&comment=58905
  4. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    I made it HAHA. It's super Automatic. Only input value
  5. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Is this ok? "While not X is happening do Y Do Z end" I want Z to be done when X is done, if not, do Y (sleep), but it seems not working, it does Z anyway
  6. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Does it support "goto" command? I found out it does. But the "while not" seems not working...
  7. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Got this, wait I show you a cool code.
  8. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    I'm looking in Lua manual for a "wait until X is true" command.... Does someone know such a command?
  9. I don't have the game anymore. Try to hack the prize of something that gives you "tokens" Like if it gives you 10, search for it and Set it to 100000 to get more.
  10. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Ok testing the new version with "visible" parameters.
  11. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    It's fixed. Searched the correct region. Script worked like a charm and it did it's job.
  12. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Well, the thing I wanted is this mechanism: If found 1 value, edit it to 1000000 and end script. If NOT, show the ('change the value and then open GG windows again') By taping ok on that, it closes GG windows, and waits for GG window to open again, then restart the script.
  13. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Yeah definitely a bug ? made it to search java heap, it gived results about c++ Alloc.? I copied 5 lines of values and had 2 bugs ?, GG has millions of code lines, it must be an extreme hard task. Your effort and patience (GG Team) is definitely admirable. Thanks again.
  14. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    It searched the wrong region, didn't found the value. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Only searched the Java heap, however, I set it to search only C++ Alloc.
  15. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Yeah it crashed when started searching. Fixed that too, made it d['A'] Testing _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later It is working good, but, I made the code to only search (c++ Alloc) range and the done it's job, in setting only (Ca) is checked but I'm getting results from other regions too, like Java heap.
  16. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Thanks, it executed. I will keep my eyes on codes more aggressively from now. Testing...
  17. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    {A='0',} Fixed it, but still having issues
  18. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    I have faced a problem now. My code is this: d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0,}) gg.toast ('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') gg.setRanges ( gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber (data[A], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) if gg.getResultCount() == 1 then gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.alert ('Hacking Done, Enjoy) else gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then load the script again to continue') end Theorically it should: 1_open a prompt screen to user to get value and meanwhile, toast a message 2_after value input, set range to (Ca) and search the value as Encrypted Double 3_if found 1 value Change it to a very high number, if not, tell user to change the value and reload script But I get errors: Script ended: Script error: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: load /sdcard/Notes/Quadropus 2.0.48 Script by Backlift.lua: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: /sdcard/Notes/Quadropus 2.0.48 Script by Backlift.lua:1: unfinished string at org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:1051) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:185) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:1035) at android.ext.Script.access$8(Script.java:1032) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:998) Caused by: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: /sdcard/Notes/Quadropus 2.0.48 Script by Backlift.lua:1: unfinished string at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.lexerror(LexState.java:266) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.read_string(LexState.java:451) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.llex(LexState.java:611) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.next(LexState.java:673) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.checknext(LexState.java:822) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.recfield(LexState.java:1129) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.constructor(LexState.java:1167) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.simpleexp(LexState.java:1418) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.subexpr(LexState.java:1523) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.expr(LexState.java:1541) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.explist(LexState.java:1261) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.funcargs(LexState.java:1278) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.suffixedexp(LexState.java:1373) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.simpleexp(LexState.java:1427) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.subexpr(LexState.java:1523) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.expr(LexState.java:1541) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.explist(LexState.java:1258) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.assignment(LexState.java:1636) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.exprstat(LexState.java:1958) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.statement(LexState.java:2055) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.statlist(LexState.java:2072) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.mainfunc(LexState.java:2088) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LuaC$CompileState.luaY_parser(LuaC.java:129) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LuaC$CompileState.access$0(LuaC.java:120) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LuaC.compile(LuaC.java:99) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.compilePrototype(Globals.java:304) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadPrototype(Globals.java:283) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.load(Globals.java:254) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:183) ... 3 more
  19. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    I'm working on hack for Quadropus Game. I made it to hack the input value as double and Encrypted. But I'm stuck in this situation: The user needs get back into game and change the value and then come back GG and enter the new value. Will this work? : print('go to game and change the value and then load script again') So it loads the script again and it search in the found results...or it makes a new search? _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later I want to make an IF Statement: 1_If found 1 value, edit value to 10000000000 2_if Not found 1 value, print'('go to game and change the value, then load the script again') Possible? If yes, how?
  20. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Thanks for the hard work. I will try to help too.
  21. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    One thing, why the position of "C" and "B" are flipped? The code is OK as I'm seeing it.
  22. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    I found it pretty easy. Just copied the data from post above into a text file then replaced the ".txt" extention to ".Lua" and then went to search tab and rap on "more" (three lines) button and "excute script". So simple. I think by working with these samples, it's easily possible to make a good one for a game. On it now.
  23. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Haha, that's what I like. I will try to learn it. Will make Nice scripts.
  24. Backlift

    LUA scripting

    Interesting. One may just load Lua script and only input the value. Other options like type and region will be automatically set. Also I think it could automatically calculate and add the other values based on the value found with stored offsets in it, makes many things easier.
  25. Try the method above, it may work.
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