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TekMonts last won the day on January 9 2021

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  1. View File Dancing Cats - Music Tiles Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rhythmdance.taptile.dancingcats Version: 0.1.4 Architecture: x64 Method: Patch hex Lua functions: * Unlock Music * Unlock Cat * Unlock Theme * Gold * Diamond * Can Play Dice - exit and enter dice screen again Open source Old method but enough Contact: https://t.me/tekmonts Submitter TekMonts Submitted 07/19/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rhythmdance.taptile.dancingcats Version: 0.1.4 Architecture: x64 Method: Patch hex Lua functions: * Unlock Music * Unlock Cat * Unlock Theme * Gold * Diamond * Can Play Dice - exit and enter dice screen again Open source Old method but enough Contact: https://t.me/tekmonts
  3. View File Call Of Duty Mobile VN 1.8.39 32bit Game: Call Of Duty Mobile VN Version: 1.8.39 Google play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vng.codmvn This script will expire on June 10th 2023 32 bit only Use your all bypass Note: - Download game from https://apkcombo.com/vi/call-of-duty-mobile-vn/com.vng.codmvn/ - Open xapk file and remove split_config.arm64_v8a.apk and install xapk file to get 32bit of the game. - Tested on Mi12S Pro Android 13 without bypass and working for over months no ban. Contact: Telegram Submitter TekMonts Submitted 05/31/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Game: Call Of Duty Mobile VN Version: 1.8.39 Google play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vng.codmvn This script will expire on June 10th 2023 32 bit only Use your all bypass Note: - Download game from https://apkcombo.com/vi/call-of-duty-mobile-vn/com.vng.codmvn/ - Open xapk file and remove split_config.arm64_v8a.apk and install xapk file to get 32bit of the game. - Tested on Mi12S Pro Android 13 without bypass and working for over months no ban. Contact: Telegram
  5. TekMonts

    BadCase's Toolbox

    @BadCase Bug: there is no "libil2cpp.so" in the list if the game uses split_config.arm64_v8a.apk instead of extracting to the lib folder - Working with an older version (toolbox free)
  6. Use Magisk hide to hide the app
  7. Yes, if your emulator supported ARM64 architecture.
  8. View File Zombie War Zombie War v139 *Only supported ARM64 GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zombie.war.idle.defense Functions: * Active Premium Membership??? * Get minor damage and boss rage * Unlocked all Turret, Hero, and Outfit * Unlimited Gold, Diamond, and Item Credit: TekMonts The script was created by BadCase Toolbox free Submitter TekMonts Submitted 05/24/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Zombie War v139 *Only supported ARM64 GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zombie.war.idle.defense Functions: * Active Premium Membership??? * Get minor damage and boss rage * Unlocked all Turret, Hero, and Outfit * Unlimited Gold, Diamond, and Item Credit: TekMonts The script was created by BadCase Toolbox free
  10. Unless the game had different classes to control the damage/attributes for each type of actor(player, enemies, monster...) Otherwise, you need to re-write the library to handle them.
  11. TekMonts

    BadCase's Toolbox

    Sorry for the late reply. My simple mean was to bring the "Load Il2CPPDumper Dump" function, and it belongs to the toolbox; It was the easiest way to make a new script for me.
  12. Updated
  13. NoxPlayer only support ARM7 - x86 architecture. This script only work with ARM8 - x64 architecture -> see descriptions.
  14. View File Craft of survival: Immortal Google play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.action.survival.craft.rpg Architecture: ARM8 Credit to TekMonts Create by BadCases Toolbox free Submitter TekMonts Submitted 04/01/2022 Category LUA scripts  
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