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Everything posted by sammax71

  1. With the backpack you showed in your video (think the id you had was 604010). That code shows nothing for me but I was changing the items I had in my backpack. I saw you changed items in a locker at a location. I will try later to see if I can find it in a locker but it got me wondering if that is the case how many other items might only be found out in locations
  2. Heres some item ID's I've found so far. I'm not sure if the whole ID will be the same for everyone but it might help you to find anything you're looking for. I will continue to try and find more. DeliveryFromThePain.txt
  3. Yes, I only ever modified the gift boxes. Never the money directly
  4. 728229000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~728231000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  5. If you patch with LP then you can just make in app purchases for free
  6. You can change the time or freeze time. Search the total number of minutes dword. So if your current time is 20:05 I would suggest searching 1200~1230. Then wait for it to go after 20:30 and refine 1230~1260. Do this once or twice and you should be left with one value. Then change or freeze. Oh and Lucky Patcher works if you want to buy the supply packs for free.
  7. I hacked stuff in my bag and then placed it in storage and it was fine. I didn't hack very many (20 I think). Maybe you did more? Perhaps it was the quantity. I haven't played much but I would expect speed hack to work if there are crafting or build times you have to wait for.
  8. Quantity of items in your backpack can be hacked. Memory region Anonymous and just simple dword search. You can use Lucky Patcher to get rid of those annoying adverts too.
  9. sammax71


    You can modify the items needed to buy buildings. Make them a negative value and then purchase.
  10. I think you'll find lots of Idle games are hackable. Egg Inc, Prison Empire Tycoon, that's just two but I know there are lots more.
  11. The way I found to do it was wait until you have a quest reward that is for 200 gems then search 1;200::5 (dword). Then refine 200 and increment edit to find the correct value.
  12. I may have found a way round it but somebody would have to check if the artifacts actually work because I haven't. What you need to do is activate the base artifact. So not upgraded to epic, rare or legendary. Once it's activated you can then search it and change the 0 to 3 and add your stones. I don't get any error messages doing it this way but I don't know if the artifact is having any affect. Once you deactivate and activate again I get the error message so you would have to do it each time you use the artifact.
  13. Looks like something has changed. Some of mine I get a message saying the item isn't authentic. If I change any now they all seem to get that message. Somehow though I've got some in my inventory that work OK.
  14. If you change it directly it doesn't work. It just reverts to the correct value.
  15. Here's a screen recording showing how I did it: https://sbupload.com/31d6f943744eccd9
  16. Exactly. You put a "." that's why you get an error.
  17. You can't use "." when searching dword
  18. Maybe means banned rather than deleted
  19. Yep, that's the one they wanted
  20. It's the PvP currency I think they really want. I'm still looking.
  21. Find where your coin value is located and the gems are the line below it.
  22. Crystals can be hacked I think as long as you use them or maybe don't hack a ridiculous amount. I just did it and I've restarted the game twice since and my progress hasn't been reset so it looks like it has worked. They are an e:double value but you have to remember when you search you need to use a range search because the actual value isn't a whole number. So if your crystals say 781 then you should search 780~782. Then wait for them to change and refine in the same way.
  23. Looks like XP can be hacked. I think that should be plenty and it's still there after a restart
  24. Here's a way to get XP. Get a Common hero. Find its level and make it the max level 40. Then go to Hero Management and dismiss it. You get about 10k XP that way. I did that and then max levelled a Rare Hero to level 60 the way that NoFear suggested and can confirm that it's stayed at the max level after restarting.
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