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Everything posted by sammax71

  1. Just use same method. If hunters xp is 86/650 then search 86X4. Then kill a monster and refine in the same way. That should leave you most likely with one result. Edit that to something like 99999999X4 then kill something and the hunter will be at level 100. Just change in same way. If you want 5000 then edit value to 5000X4.
  2. Elementals & items in the town storage under the specials tab can be found searching your amount X4
  3. Go into settings, then root manager and uncheck Evil Hunter Tycoon.
  4. I haven't found anything so far but I'm sure there is a way to hack gems. Just got to keep trying things.
  5. Search your gold amount X8. So, if you have 1234 gold you search 1234X8 dword. Refine a few times should leave you with 1 result.
  6. I've only hacked gold so far and I haven't been banned yet. Only gave myself 1 million. Didn't go too silly. Let's see what happens.
  7. Gold is easy to hack but looking at the other thread on this game it looks like it's easy to get banned in this game. Still looking at gems but that seems harder.
  8. I have no idea I was just trying to help with his virtual space issue. I have a feeling that whatever hacks were / are available for this game are probably way above my capabilities to work out.
  9. sammax71

    Homescapes Stars

    As @MonkeySAN said the method in the other thread is still working. Go and watch the video that NoFear posted and give credit to him
  10. sammax71


    The :: means they are in order and the 50 is the maximum range between the two values. I never know the correct terminology but it means they have to be within 50 addresses or bytes or something of each other. if you know the values you are searching for are close to each other then by using that method you can cut down on the amount of results you get by simply searching 50;10.
  11. sammax71

    Homescapes Stars

    Do the Text UTF-8 search for :earnedStar. If you play a level or just change a few screens and refine it should get rid of a lot of results. Then start going down them doing goto address. Before you needed to look for three 0 dword values and a 2 dword value but you can ignore those now. Look for one that has lots of dword values but just one 0 dword value and edit the value below the 0. I'll include a screenshot. The top value I checked is the one I went to when I did goto address and the lower one is the one I edited which you'll see is below the 0 dword value.
  12. sammax71

    Homescapes Stars

    Can't you just keep changing the value until you get positive stars?
  13. Of course you can do it that way but when I played I used to find it tedious keeping crafting. My patience level is low though When you get an ad reward for golden eggs did you try making it a minus figure?
  14. I did that but it was still crashing
  15. If I search anything my game just shuts down. Anybody else have that issue?
  16. I can't even get past the App Guard even when I hide it in Magisk. Shows how useless I am
  17. sammax71


    Not sure which site it was that I got it from but here's a link to my version. I uploaded it to this site: https://sbupload.com/3138d6a9466d014b
  18. sammax71


    Version I have looks like its 2.6
  19. sammax71


    Wood & coins done from building a house. Think the cost was 50 wood and 10 coins. So I searched 50;10::50 (dword) then refined 10 and increment edit. Once you find the correct value you can edit to -999999999 then goto the address and you'll see the 50 nearby and you can change that as well.
  20. 604007 - 604010 are the backpacks and they can be found in lockers. Everything else I found in the backpack. All ID's are the same as yours
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