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Everything posted by sammax71

  1. sammax71

    Spot racers

    No, sorry. Just those on the older version. Not sure how long before they force me to update to the new version.
  2. sammax71

    Spot racers

    These exploits have been fixed in version 1.12.3
  3. sammax71

    Spot racers

    SpotRacersHandAcc.lua Script to boost Handling & Acceleration. Speed didn't seem to work but to be honest you only really need to use Handling. If you have already upgraded Acceleration you may actually see it decrease.
  4. sammax71

    Spot racers

    SpotRacersNoCooldown.lua All I can find so far is no cooldown so you can keep racing. Everything else looks server sided. I'll keep looking.
  5. They are Float values. Search and refine your HP. When you edit freeze the value otherwise it will change back. Try searching HP;HP::5 to begin with. That only gave me 4 results. Once you edit your HP then the attack value was at an offset of 184 for me. If its different for you then search HP;Att:: that shouldn't give too many Att results for you. I didn't actually see the value change on the home screen but when in battle you can see its increased once you've edited it. Again, freeze once you edit to stop it changing back.
  6. Here's a guide: BadCase Toolbox Demo (#35pz7irl) Hope that helps.
  7. Use BadCase Toolbox: Il2CppDumper Toolbox Free by BadCase (#233vd2cm)
  8. Yes, it is that one but you have to sign up for some Wallet thing first and I couldn't get it to work. Looking at the video it seems like the damage has been increased. I looked at the dump.cs and found this and wondered if changing that would work:
  9. If it is that game then currencies are easy to hack.
  10. Was you changing the right value? In my pic the rewards were 150;25;1 but in GG they are ordered the other way (so 1;25;150)
  11. This game? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kr.co.mediawork.gunfire
  12. Just edit the reward for completing a level with 3 stars.
  13. If you're struggling then it must be tough to find. I'm going to take a look anyway. Would be nice to help you out as you help so many others.
  14. Out of curiosity how do you run an old version without it automatically telling you to update? I tried changing the version number using apk editor but that wouldn't work for me.
  15. Only thing I can see at the moment is you can freeze your HP's so you can't be killed. They are e:double.
  16. Did you try hiding GG from the game? I had to hide in Magisk and I just selected all 4 boxes to hide GG from the game then the game ran with no App Guard message.
  17. Relic pieces and stage level are also anonymous, dword.
  18. Doesn't seem to work on the buildings. You can use the speed up arrows (long press the GG icon) but it doesn't seem to speed it up that much even at x3600 speed. I didn't add the time skip button to the search bar. It was just there
  19. Here's a screen recording for you: https://sbupload.com/02f4fc0cd9c4bd4e
  20. Just hit that and then put how much time you want to jump ahead. Either put it in seconds or you can enter in D:H:M:S format too.
  21. You can use time jump. I'm still looking for a gem hack.
  22. Nice. I was only looking at the dword values
  23. I found Tactical Knowledge but not Reputation. There was a value next to TK but I couldn't find if that changed anything. It wasn't my Rep though.
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