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Posts posted by absolutenothing

  1. 17 hours ago, absolutenothing said:

    When i freeze time i got detected and cant do activities other than roam into the place where u freeze the time, any other method than fuzzy search change unchange on time so wont detect and can do tasks?

    The "-1" method on stamina dont work for me on virtual app(parallel space) but i can encrypt search then freeze 6 value to do unlimited task without detection.(this method should be repeated every game close) other methods for this stamina to search faster couz numbers always change when game close?

    Byte/text search still work to change values or items but hack detected on me for few sec or min. cant forced save after change data(ingame item/currency) other methods for this?

    Most of the time accessing the tabs ranking/event check on connection for updates.(but can play even without internet after the loading/initiating part of game)

    Additional to stamina you can search via double "-0.5". Show values for dword and double. Sample 200 stamina = 199.5. Now after searching that you need to minimize it to 6 values. They will have the same values these 6 values needed to freeze dont add or subtract(if you change value after using so much stamina youll be detected). Also freeze the dword value below the searched value of each couz somehow it affects the double value being searched. 

    Other way of searching is -1 encrypt search. The dword values will show then freeze all 6 and the double values above them. Mmmm i hope i explain it good. Please feed back if success or fail for other mobile.

    3 hours ago, Agidnis said:

    Hi, I was able to change the stamina a few times, before the game detected it. now I can't even search the values anymore. is there any other way to change the stamina values? I'm using GG on vmos


  2. When i freeze time i got detected and cant do activities other than roam into the place where u freeze the time, any other method than fuzzy search change unchange on time so wont detect and can do tasks?

    The "-1" method on stamina dont work for me on virtual app(parallel space) but i can encrypt search then freeze 6 value to do unlimited task without detection.(this method should be repeated every game close) other methods for this stamina to search faster couz numbers always change when game close?

    Byte/text search still work to change values or items but hack detected on me for few sec or min. cant forced save after change data(ingame item/currency) other methods for this?

    Most of the time accessing the tabs ranking/event check on connection for updates.(but can play even without internet after the loading/initiating part of game)

  3. 7 hours ago, NoFear said:

    Hacking behavior detected if you decrease reward or increase by +1?

    I forgot this was something I was going to look into

    Yes, always detected with "+" or "-" any value.

  4. On 3/13/2020 at 4:32 AM, QuaZero said:

    Do you guys have an account with lot of unclaimed gift from the dev? I can do some hack with it

    Can you exceed value instead of just 9999? Im looking for to make it billions. I saw we can even change the item instead of just coins or gems.Screenshot_2020-03-23-00-14-50-1.thumb.png.17e458edf6840296c942b347676a2482.png

    Hacking behavior detected in few mins sorry

  5. 28 minutes ago, saiaapiz said:

    Oh i forgot about important thing, Now i know why it failed to change value xD

    gg.setValues must appended after modifiying result from gg.getResults.

    ohhh yeah I also forgot that hahaha thanks alot, learned new with the xor for lua 🙂

  6. 1 hour ago, saiaapiz said:

    Check gg.getResults return value, It may return less than what you expected.

    That why it doesnt work, and only changed when you use gg.editAll.

    im sure the
    o = gg.getResults(6)
    value is ok forthe values to be edited by
    o[2].value = xor(100, DialogOut[1])
    o[4].value = xor(200, DialogOut[1])
    o[6].value = xor(200, DialogOut[1])

    ill soon upload a short video while doing the search.

  7. wanted this to work properly but idk why it doesn't for me...

    19 hours ago, saiaapiz said:

    gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d;%d;1;5:100", DialogOut[1], XoredValueWithKey_1, DialogOut[3], XoredValueWithKey_2), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)

    o = gg.getResults(4)

    o[2].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[1])

    o[4].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[3])

    so I did for the mean time to check if values can change was

    gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d::45",  DialogOut[1], XorValueWithKey_1, DialogOut[1], XorvValueWithKey_2, DialogOut[1], XorValueWithKey_3), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d", XorValueWithKey_1, XorValueWithKey_2, XorValueWithKey_2), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    gg.editAll('1222333444', gg.TYPE_DWORD)

    suddenly the values changed but not the way I really like to edit each with different values.

  8. 4 hours ago, saiaapiz said:

    You mean "Make a dialog for editing Xor Key and Value to Xored" ?

    Maybe this could be usefull ..

    xor = bit32.bxor
    sf	= string.format
    DefaultXorKey_1	= 0xFF
    DefaultXorKey_2	= 0xAA
    DialogOut = gg.prompt({
    'Xor Key #1',	-- [1]
    "Value #1",		-- [2]
    'Xor Key #2', 	-- [3]
    "Value #2"		-- [4]
    {DefaultXorKey_1, 0, DefaultXorKey_2, 0},
    {number, number, number, number})
    XoredValueWithKey_1	= xor(DialogOut[2], DialogOut[1])
    XoredValueWithKey_2	= xor(DialogOut[4], DialogOut[3])
    gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d;%d;1;5:100", DialogOut[1], XoredValueWithKey_1, DialogOut[3], XoredValueWithKey_2), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    o = gg.getResults(4)
    o[2].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[1])
    o[4].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[3])


    Example.lua 684 B · 1 download

    thank you very much @saiaapiz 🙂 ill try it soon

  9. anyone can teach to make simple script search for xor key and xor value for lua multiple/prompt search?


    --here I want to input the known xorkey1 and 2 and the two values needed to use those xorkeys
    d = gg.prompt({i='xorkey1;valueneedtobeXoredUsingxorkey1;xorkey2;valueneedtobeXoredUsingxorkey2'}, {i='0;1;5::100'})
    gg.searchNumber(d.i..';1;5::100', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    o = gg.getResults(4)
    --here wanted the edit value to be xor'ed using xorkey1 and 2 respectively instead of just replacing it by dword
    o[2].value = '1000000000'
    o[2].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD
    o[4].value = '2000000000'
    o[4].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD

    hope someone can understand, thanks in advance guys 🙂

  10. 40 minutes ago, razwasup said:

    How did you come up with 200;200::50?




    the first 200 value was from the above gacha companion cards, and the 2nd 200 value is from the other gacha compnion cards. if you try searching 200 only you'll find plenty of values thats why. i hope i answered your question 🙂

  11. On 3/22/2019 at 6:50 AM, Saxynoma said:

    Please could you explain a little bit more, cos I tried setting up your method but I can't seem to get it.

    1st I don't really know how to get the shown type H, S, D, F

    first about the settings view upper right on each picture, go to the tab with 3(dots) and 3(dashes) setting up h,S,D,F  you can see that also on upper right corner click that and tick those type you like to show. now the anonymous, view the bottom part of each picture you'll see a version of gameguardian and the region, the default shows plenty of region if you click that untick all except anonymous.

    now about the editing you should learn the method of [ItsSC] first before doing the method that I did. mostly you can edit all quantity if you can find the item that you have, but if you dont then no change will happen, or you might ruin your save, so just undo if you dont see any change.

  12. sharing something for additional and/or easier method maybe...,

    settings, region anonymous, shown type h,S,D,F

    step1- do the known method until you found the correct value.

    step2- goto the value that you search(encircled color red) and move to the address above(encircled color yellow) then copy address. see image1


    step3- new search the copied address and goto the value(encircled color red), then copy the address above(encircled color orange). see image2


    step4- new search the copied address and goto the value, now use offset calculator and put +90/-90(note: mostly its on +180/-180) on the found address(encircled color red). see image3


    step5- do pointer search for reversing the above method for the new value.

    (note1: if it doesn't show the exact positions of the shown steps(or value of the item didn't changed just click the left arrow to go back to the step4)

    note2: if the item value on your inventory didn't change just revert the change you did for safety)

    step6: have fun if this works for you

    note: idk if the values/addresses differ per account pls check if it works for you, sorry if it doesn't.... must know what to do.... thanks to all and to @ItsSC 🙂 goodluck

    any other new method? :3


  13. 17 hours ago, zverilius said:

    Hello! Just checked it myself and made a video on hacking on the increase in any subject! Download, watch, try and succeed!

    Fuzzy - search for a decrease, as a result, be sure to look for a value from 0.9 to 0.01! Good luck!


    @zverilius hi, this works online? just confirming because idk if my ip was banned a long time ago from day r XD. I also used this method for gold/c on bag and something russia confirmation appears before doing on field. therefore im confused what makes my new account(and google play,android id) on a banned status. thanks alot guys. note didnt try using vpn

  14. for purple crystals

    go to shop and go to the bottom part


    click for the limited edition conpanion


    search for 200;200::50


    edit all do incremental +1


    look for the changes and revert+delete other values


    now edit it to a (-value)


    do buy and click multiple times to lvlup the chest and wallah now you recieved the purple gems and companion. restart game to check if it saves. gl :)



  15. 11 hours ago, RogerAngell2018 said:

    It doesn't affect mob damage at all.  Probably you hit a mob that reflects damage. So, don't use it in some dungeons without babysitting.

    probably ? tnx @RogerAngell2018


    anyone knows how to bypass the tier 1-4 revival potions(holy water) and upgrade stones(seal stones) to be used by a tier5 character? because the lower tier exp potion can be used by higher tier characters via changing their star count from 5 into the the same star count of exp potion.

    additional to @Newbi for sake of some who will search a dead character, it is known as -1 instead of being human as 0. didnt try to use dead characters on adventure atm, they return on being alive but can't use hp potions, if you restart app they'll return to be dead.

  16. On 10/12/2018 at 10:47 PM, RogerAngell2018 said:

    This script will one hit mobs. Active when start dungeon, dont move nor enter battle before active script.


    i lose after i went afk. didnt check if the monsters hits the same value when torch lights out. just want you to know.

  17. i fixed my problem above, by using my old file to write codes, idk why making new note/txt/lua file makes not to freeze my scripted values. thanks anyways ? happy scripting.


  18. good day guys, i need help to fix on the problem that make my script not to edit and freeze the values after the prompt and searchNumber but it does save on save tab? thanks in advance ? 

    note: i have latest gg version

    gg.toast('Test by absolutenothing')
    print('Test by absolutenothing')
    --Game guardian detection
    if gg.BUILD < 5511 then
    print('You need latest version of GameGuardian to run this script. Minimum GG v.8.30.0.')
    goto update
    gg.toast('Test by absolutenothing') 
    if gg.isVisible(true) then
    goto START
    menu = gg.choice({'M','EXIT'},nil,'just do it fast') 
    if menu == 1 then goto M end
    if menu == nil then print('error') end
    goto noselect
    menu = gg.choice({'Player1','Player2','Player3', 'Player4','EXIT'},nil,'just do it fast') 
    if menu == 1 then goto Player1 end
    --if menu == 2 then goto Player2 end
    --if menu == 3 then goto Player3 end
    --if menu == 4 then goto Player4 end
    if menu == nil then print('error') end
    goto noselect
    d = gg.prompt({z='Player1'}, {z='3'})
    c = '100000;2;'..d.z..';5;200;1000::100'
    gg.searchNumber(c, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    gg.searchNumber(d.z, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    v = gg.getResults(10)
    v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD
    v.value = '2000'
    v.freeze = true
    gg.toast('test freezing') 
    goto absolutenothing
    print('selected nothing')
    print('update your gameguardian')
    gg.toast('GG not support')
    gg.toast('Test by absolutenothing')
    print('hi hi hi')


  19. 47 minutes ago, Enyby said:

    In short, you must use variable o. And do not recreate table (u[1], u[2]) every time.

    o = gg.getResults(2)
    o[1].value = '50'
    o[1].freeze = true
    o[2].value = '100'
    o[2].freeze = false
    print('Replaced:', gg.addListItems(o))

    Your problem - you do not understand what this code do. Nor what is variable, table in lua, how it works and so on. It is like painting from blind.

    yes ive been changing my variables and got mixed a lot, ohh thanks again @Enyby fixed it  ? and ill remember to use code tag in future thanks for understanding ❤️

  20. hello again, seems im having trouble with the setValues()

    d = gg.prompt({i='MaxZ;LvlupZ;MaxX;LvlupX'}, {i='0;1;5::100'})

    --note MaxZ = 123;LvlupZ = 456;MaxX 789;LvlupX = 999

    --note wanted to do group search of d['i'] and '0;1;5::100' unlike with previews code gg.searchNumber(d.a..';15;5;16777473::10000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) didn't work the same way/error

    gg.searchNumber(d['i'], gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    --gg.editAll('100',gg.TYPE_DWORD) testing with freeze
    o = gg.getResults(4)
    u = {} 
    u[1] = {} 
    u[1].value = '50'
    u[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD
    u[1].freeze = true
    u[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
    u[2] = {} 
    u[2].value = '100'
    u[2].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD
    u[2].freeze = false
    u[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
    print('Replaced:', gg.addListItems(u))
    gg.toast('first time freezing') 
    goto absolutenothing


    error popped below

    Script ended:
    testing by absolutenothing
    Replaced:     org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: bad argument: long expected, got nil


    the code above do search the prompt d['i'] like this


    then getResults(4)

    after that it does not edit the u[1] and u[2] then the script ended with error


  21. 1 hour ago, Enyby said:

    Use code tag, not quote.

    You need concatenate string.

    gg.searchNumber('d.a;15;5;16777473::10000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) -- not work
    gg.searchNumber(d.a..';15;5;16777473::10000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) -- work

    Register is important. d.a and d.A is not same.

    Also if I copy text from forum I get strange char at end of line with searchNumber.

    added 1 minute later

    Script searches do not use input history. Search history not exists in gg.

    thanks a lot @Enyby problem solved ❤️ ?

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