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MrUnfeigned last won the day on August 5 2015

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  • Android
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    Lg G3
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  1. I have started playing Vainglory on Android. If you like League of Legends or Dota, this game is for you. Without cheats this game is super fun and you play against other people. It's 3v3 matches which I find perfect for mobile devices/tablets. I played Heroes of Order and Chaos before this and although I enjoyed that game too, I feel like Vainglory is even more polished and very smooth. The mechanics are really fun. Definitely give this one a try!
  2. I would like to see tutorials on packet hacking, if that's possible. Also, I'd like to see more multiplayer games with hacks, albeit harder. It doesn't have to be resources necessarily, but unlocking certain items. Something else that would be cool to see is achievement hacking. I'd like to be able to download a game and quickly trigger achievements or trophies, whatever google play calls them.
  3. I also would like to know the answer to this. I can find and lock in values during a fight, but next fight I have to redo my search and refind the values because they change every fight.
  4. I am trying to hack a game with a count down timer but cannot find the values for it or increase or stop the time. The game I'm trying to hack is Battle Camp and the timer is in battle boss timers.
  5. I bought 6 months of VIP but it hasn't activated yet. Please activate it at your earliest convenience. Thanks. Payment of $9.00 attempted by Google Wallet (Manual Validation) (GWDG.2e333c93-e2f9-483c-aec1-ba41d6a6f4d2) - Today, 10:35 PM. Invoice Number 4616
  6. I would like to buy 6 months of VIP, please fix the payment methods...
  7. It is unhackable because the information is stored server side.
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