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3113 last won the day on November 30 2022

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    6.x (Marshmallow)
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    MotoG7, Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 SM-T280 , Samsung Galaxy S7

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  1. Check My YouTube Video on Item Spawning in the description there is a link to item ID list. There's a few ways to do the other stuff you guys are asking about as well, just see the videos to get ideas.
  2. 3113

    Hungry Dragon

    GameGuardian can kill the app you want, connect it to the right one though. Think it usually has the # attached
  3. 3113

    Hungry Dragon

    That's too simple you will spoil the fun lol
  4. Have an updated hack video coming for Exiled Kingdoms - better trait hack included (;

  5. I can't speak for anyone else but I can definitely say I was happy about this and the latest update. It allowed me to use GameGuardian in my un rooted (and newer) device! Always with some great work @Enyby thanks man!
  6. Is there a way to hack the app "Pianista" from the play store that would allow me to modify my gold balance "

    1. 3113


      I just saw this but I will look into it for you ASAP ?

    2. Jason Jones

      Jason Jones

      Thank you so much for looking in to it for me. 😃Hopefully there is way. 

  7. Just got a new laptop, no longer limited to outdated mobile devices. Hacking is back in class, any requests DM me. English only.

  8. Last time I did it, find the item id before picking it up, freeze to new value once you figure out which id you want, close the window, reopen, loot all. Remember some items it doesn't work for, you might have to play around with it. As for speedhack, just don't make it too high and it should work fine. I'll reinstall the game later and play around with it, good luck.
  9. Yes yes, searching Mana/HP missing and freezing at 0 works just fine for health and Mana hack. I really haven't focused too much on other things, as you can speedhack using the game guardian built in speedhack. I have created an item dupe a while ago, which works perfectly fine on every new version so far, I have tested, including since mage release. A video tutorial on that can be found here: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/16811-exiled-kingdoms-item-dupe-tomes/ I hope this helps you on your adventures. I will also tell you this, you can spawn items as well, if you use the same technique for item dupe, but you need to search in memory around the quantity address for the item ID, you can manipulate that item ID. But some items can not be duped or spawned, I'm sure there are extra checks for them. Anyways good luck.
  10. 3113

    My Oasis

    Same method he used for gems and hearts also works on remembering tokens. (He forgot to put that in the video)
  11. 3113

    LUA scripting

    Just for discussion and understanding; Wouldn't the script be running as root since the Parent application is running as root? Or is it different when it comes to Android?
  12. 3113

    LUA scripting

    If the problem is about the Lua scripts finding each other, you should also remember that Game guardian takes root privileges, so the same when you are in Linux, when you elevate from USER to ROOT you are changing your home directory as well, so using default path variables will also change, so for your script you may want to be specific with the locations when trying to use multiple scripts, and/or create a prompt asking for directories before executing the script fully. If I'm wrong, well I hope this helps someone else.
  13. It's funny because it's not like you put a description of the catch.me.if you.can part of the installation, and even funnier when you find YouTube videos going into so much detail about why this app is a "virus", and even funnier is these same people come to the gg website, than hear then say the fact the website uses COOKIES is also part of the virus, and in my head I can only think, "if these guys think cookies are part of a virus, and they use YouTube and Facebook, why don't the claim those are viruses?" It's okay to these same people when an app requires permissions it doesn't need and gives no explanation, oh but gameguardian whom of which explains itself "must be a virus" lol these imbeciles act like they know what they're talking about. And ***** Symantec. Lol
  14. It would be nice if you uploaded the beta apk, I'm not part of the beta in the game so I can't do anything. Also note I have made videos for this game, but anywhom, I would love to try the mage char and new updates, let me know what's up with it! @Mordeith
  15. Maybe you're taking me too seriously, and this whole thread is just getting too serious, I know I come off rude as *****, but don't take me that way, my bad. No one said you had no clean access to anything, so you misunderstood that bypass ordeal. I was saying, if there's a check in the client that tells it not to save data, we could bypass that in order to get hacks like godmode, durability, whatever to work and etc while still being able to save, had nothing to do with Game guardian not having access. My bad if I didn't make my self clear, and trust me I see all that happened as a win, but all in vain as well. Either way, I'm done here apparently all I'm doing is causing discord and not helping a bit. Take it easy, and good luck.
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