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Everything posted by Futurnet

  1. Someone is able to pro the McLaren with the id code 171 ? I try but even I change the value of pro cards nothing change. I suspect that GL fixed it
  2. This is not my experience. After 24 to 48H I get out from CB, two times.
  3. When will be released for android we wait your new DB Enyby! Many new events to hack!.
  4. Yes you need to do some events or MP races without using hacked tokens cars and wait 24 to 48 hours to be out from CB. In the future you can't use hacked token cars in events or MP or you will back in CB again
  5. You finish in CB because hack the token cars. Hacking all items server side will put you in CB. Extra tanks is not server side so you can safetly hack without finish in CB (for the moment). To get out from CB you need to play some events or MP races in legit mode and wait 24 to 48 hours to be out from CB.
  6. Futurnet

    asphalt 8 banned

    m Most likely will be a permanent banning
  7. Futurnet

    asphalt 8 banned

    Depend, sometimes its a temporal banning, but you can't know
  8. I try different way but with not success. In windows with cheat engine is possible do it, there is a tutorial around in youtube. Its not possible to replicate with GG because some functions of Cheat engine are not present in GG.
  9. I search Dword+ fuzzy search when used an extra tank search for decreased value until you will find one value. About the insane days remaining in my ET is not my hack but just a bug of A8, when you increase the ET in a high number A8 get crazy and put this foul numbers of days
  10. can be hack, you need to find the right value to change Lets see:
  11. With fuzzy search method, after more try, you will find one value like for ex. "1298456348". This is the crypted value of your extra tanks. Increasing this value, if you are lucky, you will get more extra tanks or the game crash. If the game crash try again and change again the new value in different way.
  12. In video tutorial section there are some videos where is used unknow search method (fuzzy search). You can apply this method to A8 for your purpose.
  13. Extra tank is a crypted value so you need to make a fuzzy search wasting some extra tanks in your storage
  14. yes I tested ina new account and I confirm that using this car in event or MP you jump quickly in CB.
  15. @sadad @LianprismaTested this method right now with a new account. I confirm that after 1 MP race with devel sixteen hacked I Finish quickly in CB so not use this method to hack tokens cars because is useless.
  16. This method of haking is quite old, I read in other forum that using this token cars in MP or LTE put you in CB.
  17. Attention! hacking token cars is useless because you cannot use this cars in any LTE or multiplayer because you will finish in CB. Tokens cars are server side controlled, if you not buy it with tokens you cannot use it online.
  18. It doen't work anymore with the latest version of A8
  19. Thanks I will try EDIT: Work really great with event ID !
  20. Hi enyby, Just a technical question. There is not any problem to find sub goal in memory when they are: time, drift meters, points from gates because the number are greats and we have a few results. When the sub goals are small numbers like: perfect nitro, knockdowns, or perfect runs, even with union search we get tons of results. Is there any way to shrink the research for small numbers? Its possible use in the union search the offset value? Thanks for your useful job in A8, Keep it up!
  21. I understand how to use offset feature , but still not clear how I can obtain the offset value from the game. For ex where you get the offset value of 18 in this game?
  22. In the italian translation of the new version there is a mistake. The button "revert selection" in italian language is "Ripristina selezionato" and not "Inverti selezione"
  23. Made again the video showing the button "more" with increase field and adding revert value task after the editing. I also cropped the size and time of the video. http://sendvid.com/esml4pbj Honestly I didn't understand so well how to use the feature offset, is there any video tutorial showing how to use it?
  24. I made a video to hack golds and gems in Sniper 3D http://sendvid.com/kbcoboqn Game name: Sniper 3D (How to Hack coins and Gems)
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