There are literally unlimited ways they can make you not find the values.
For example RPG Maker games use "(2x value)+1" to store their values.
I have seen games that have used "value +255" or " 4,294,967,295 - value"
They can just store visual value for You to step on.
Lets say you have variable "visual_gold" and "real_gold".
visual_gold would be just a calculated field that would there for You to see for example "visual_gold=real_gold/10". All other (real calculations) would be done using real_gold value itself and You changing the visual_gold value wouldn't do anything for you. (Can be used to flag Your save file as cheater and make the game a lot harder for You just because You changed virtual value just once)
With gg there isn't any way to find such values hidden by means of Increment or decrement.
If as You say game got patched and You can't find values anymore. Array of Byte scan would easily give You new value if they haven't changed the base structure of the object at hand (they usually never chage structure just to prevent hacking).