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Everything posted by nalcwap

  1. is the first adress the temporary and the pointers you found the real location?
  2. thabks for this, i have a question is possible make the inverse, i mean with a code in gameguardian make a lucky patcher patch?because when exit the game he changes the address,thanks
  3. envy,nofear is the pointer same as pc cheat engine because i not understand the pointer for this game,thanks
  4. i want find the base address with the pointer but i not understand how find this
  5. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later hi i try hack lifes in this game i make ang find but ara temporary location ,if i understand correct to find the static value correct i need the pointer im correct?if yes i post this screen with the life location i restarted 3 times and the local changed, how i find the pointer with this 3 addresses?thanks
  6. i thinking i not see more good options and you made this great funcion very thanks envy you are great
    thanks bro but not compatible wiyh x86 because show black screen gameguardian when try open
  7. envy i find something in the asus x86 device if i try minimise the game the game closes , is this the error for the force close?is the device problem?
  8. strnge i see someone conect facebook i farm heroes saga, but first need disconect from the real acount,in this game i not test i can not tell if is the same or not
  9. are you sure this allow float apps?is chinese inot find how
  10. very thanks, one question is to add in virtual spaces or out?if is in the virtual space is in game and gameguardian or only game?sorry the questions and thanks
  11. how allow allow float views in your firmware
  12. not work here and the scrren text is diferent, yes i chose english before ask , show no,soft, hard,,,,,, if is this i change to hard and same close, are you sure this not bugged?i ask this because i se more people with same problem, thanks
  13. ok thanks if is the case the octapus not for x86 this is why the black screen e see other space but not remember what is, if i try with the version you post abose can the log show if is or not the error?
  14. envy is the black screen the same error when i try open anything in the octapus space in the asus x86 device?because show black screen the games or gameguardian, thanks
  15. great idea look by time change to see other score
  16. in the device x86 show me error the system not suport this app
  17. what is your device>?because show in asus pad x86 not compaible , and thanks for testing because i have in much spaces this force close, and what is your ram?
  18. nevruz can you please test with this game if crash in your device?in my device close the gameguardian https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.king.farmheroessaga
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