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Everything posted by nalcwap

  1. see, no root
  2. not permit attach the process name of game give error 9
  3. block the gameguardian read the game, for example in game Family Guy The Quest for Stuff_
  4. the game not have some protection?
  5. i mean break that protection to can read with the gameguardian search
  6. thanks bro, but how bypass with this?i not understand how, i see the logic but not know how to do this,he mean i can bypass with the pointers but how to do?
  7. im bad at programming, not know how make simple code, i have a brain problem(not a joke) and i forget much i not know if is sintoms of bad news but im try not beleave, sorry this but im try explain the situation, thanks you two
  8. very good idea but only for programmers, but thanks for help
  9. thanks, but not possible attach to process how attach?
  10. lua script?
  11. @ Enyby exist any bypass for non root phones to break that protection in games? Yep, i saw same shared lib mapped about 6 time. Just like you said.. they map and unma)
  12. sorry is my chrome bloking the download,not thanks bro
  13. thanks bro,
  14. please fix link
  15. with root i think work because i not see report not work but i try with no root and not work .
  16. mod to break the protection , because show 0 bytes regions, and not attach the gg games process
  17. sorry my bad english, i ask a tutorial not to mod them, thanks
  18. thanks bro, you know any bypass in android for blocked games by protectyion to not work gameguardian?example i see harry pother, Family Guy The Quest for Stuff not work without root ,exist any mod share trick to bypass this?thanks
  19. the scrolls if only one location it reverts include in freese value, the vagon i not see to test,i test the level be revert when go out but you can freeze the value level to overkill with this but need freeze and search
  20. the scrolls not luck the value go to normal include in freese, this vagon i not see i only test first level and make replay , with lv up you can overkill the enemies, but be careful the value level to not be ban
  21. if you mean the scrolls im trying but the value i need other value ior not possible
  22. where that option you show?for example diamonds are only visual only, tell where
  23. i search the hp goto up in rditor change the level vaslue ,the stats go up freese the level and be god lol, you need freese the value if not freese not go, and be careful not put high value we will be banned , i been baned i not know what but with this values low not be until now,
  24. i try diamonds are only visual
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