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karma last won the day on June 28 2013

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    Zopo 990+
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Community Answers

  1. Batman: Arkham Origins >>Freedom<< Tiny Dice Dungeon>>GG<<
  2. Try: /sdcard/Makefolder(temp) and not directly to the sd
  3. Just use Freedom
  4. For me is working well
  5. Read the d2dyno's "Recent Status Updates" in the left http://gameguardian.net/forum/statuses/user/1-d2dyno/?status_id=690
  6. Just try on other game, some game are putched on memory editor App
  7. On my phone 4.2.1 is working well
  8. I can only talk for Italy, here you can't get ip from ISP for cracking IGM, obviously is different for IRM. @lookimback Just try on http://www.in-appstore.com/
  9. the companies can't choose, the can ban only. Just try steal 1 € (real money not in game money) see how it ill go. only way for the companies to know(for cracking in game money) who I'm is getting my ip and asking my provider for it, obviously the can't get it (privacy). There is difference real money is money and in game money is not money, if is not true I have to give like 100k-1000k to Glu Mobile - Gamevil etc. I'm not saying that is legal to crack.
  10. . If you cheat (using freedom or GG) you get ban only. I have steam, if I use exploited CD-keys my account is banned. Google only now that you have freedom installed not if you are using it or not
  11. See :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=20680605
  12. http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3430-dp34-referrals-system/ I just reading comments: "Are you aware that when people visit referral links, it counts as an invite? I set a limit thinking it would only apply to e-mail invites. It makes almost no sense to include link visits as an "invite." I'm having it disable e-mail invites entirely because of this, because I certaintly can't allow people to use my site to spam out links unrestricted, but I want people to be able to use links to reffer people above all."
  13. Did you set search range all region?
  14. GameGuardian Plus work great.
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