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  1. I don't know if all ready tried this script. https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2918-auto-speedhack-finder/
  2. Ask chatgpt
  3. Update the App,
  4. Tezter

    Custom Valley

    It depends, add the game name or link to Google store.
  5. Tezter

    Menu Script

    For the ON and OFF button, check this 2 Tutorials. Prefix buttons (ON and OFF) (#47267jut) How to Create On/Off Button With Saved List (#7ijaql83) Maybe you can use this, Try to learn from the output of the script. Personally I never did use it. https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3817-create-your-script-lua/
  6. Can add appstore link to this game
  7. Hi Khadimulislam, I want to help you, but can you send me a link of the Dump file or can you upload the game somewhere, so I can check it out. I'm from Europe, I can't download the game from appstore. Can you also tell me Witch version of the game you have installed.
  8. Can you please explain more how to use your script, I'm trying to understand. I will appreciate you
  9. Tezter

    Tools DumpCS

    I did try the script in 2 games is it's just not working, I put a class name in class field after doing some scanning it find nothing. It's of I'm doing something wrong or you have to start take more time to make beter videos to explain. I can tell you from my experience, you do a good job and doing us a favor. Thank you for that, but your videos are always suck
  10. Tezter


    Nice work, Thx
  11. Thanks, TopG. It Now Fixed and it works Perfect.
  12. Please, can you help me with this issue, I will appreciate you. The Decompiled Lua file what I get back from your Decompiler has 0 bytes ( no text in it). Is there anyway for me to fix this from my side. Thanks again.
  13. Thank you very much for correcting me, good to know .
  14. I did figured it out. I will explain it here maybe someone can learn from it. I didn't have to swap any thing, the only thing what i did have to do is adding this line gg.setVisible(true) in my code where's I want to get the eye icon feasible. function hello() gg.setVisible(false) HH = gg.alert("Text text text ", "OK","Explanation") if HH == 1 then HOME() end if HH == 2 then Explanation() end end function Explanation() gg.alert([[ bla bla bla - Good Luck]]) end gg.toast("Good Luck") HOME = 1 function HOME() HM = gg.choice({"H-MENU"," EXIT"}, nil, "MADE BY Tezter") if HM == 1 then SMENU() end if HM == 2 then EXIT() end HOMEDM = -1 end function SMENU() SMEN = gg.choice({"Crates Hack Menu","↺ BACK"}, nil, " Armed Heist Hack MENU") if SMEN == 1 then CratesH() end if SMEN == 5 then HOME() end end function CratesH() CRH = gg.choice({ " Challenge Points Hack", "↺ BACK"}, nil, " Crates Hack Menu") if CRH == 1 then crh1() end if CRH == 2 then SMENU() end end function crh1() -- here's where i added the line so i can -- get eye icon feasible in this section -- of the code. gg.setVisible(true) gg.clearResults() gg.processResume() gg.toast("☡ Read The Explanation Otherwise It Will Not Work ☡ ") v= gg.prompt({A='Add How Many Points You Have Instead Of The ? ',B= 'Add Here How Many Points You Want'},{A='1.12188e-43F;7.023e-44F;10.0F;4.254e-44F; ? D:125',B='Add Here How Many Points You Want'}) if v == nil then CratesH( gg.alert ('Script Canceled, No input') ) else gg.searchNumber (v.A, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(25) gg.editAll(v.B, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.processResume() gg.toast("Challenge Points Hack Is Successfull Activated") end end function EXIT() os.exit() end hello() while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then HOMEDM = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if HOMEDM == 1 then HOME() end end
  15. yes thx Herogame that is what i want,. Enyby, he is only trying to clear you out what I`am trying to say I work long days, I can't answer everything directly. when I get a chance I answer
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