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icefire42342 last won the day on January 20 2013

icefire42342 had the most liked content!

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    Nexus 5
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  1. Welcome to the forums
  2. That seems like a fine idea but is there a point to it other than to keep track of your friends? Like in games, you can invite your friends to the the session you are in. I believe we can already invite up to 3 other friends in the group chat. VIP+ members having the ability to add more than 3 friends to their chat seems like a good idea as well but it should be limited just in case someone decides to add the entire website to his chat...... The admin/moderator/modders being friends to VIP+ seemed a little about money. I would rather prefer being friends with whoever wanted to be friends with me.
  3. Everyone starts off as a newbie But dont worry about it. Welcome to the forums
  4. Hi to you as well. And sadly, no we cannot let you see that due to.complications with game creators. But i can guarantee that you will find great and VIP only material there.
  5. Sweet, look around the forums. You'll like lit
  6. Well, you can thank the Admins, Mods, and donators for this unique forum Welcome to gameguardian.net
  7. Sup! Welcome to the forums.
  8. Thats great! Welcome to the forums
  9. Hi welcome to the forums
  10. Well, it certainly is very good that you have background experience in those areas. Perhaps you could release some of your own game modifications as well. Welcome, to the gameguardian forums
  11. It was nice meeting you too. . Oh, and welcome to forum.
  12. Hello and welcome to the forums!
  13. wrong section. Moved to cheats section. Also your file is subject to deletion because it is not uploaded to this websites download section, so if you could please upload the file to the downloads section, that would be great.
  14. dont worry, i love you
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