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iAndroHacker last won the day on September 4 2020

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    5.1.x (Lollipop)
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  1. iAndroHacker


    I got it. Select field and history works. You should change the toast text to like "Select the path field first." because "History is empty" error makes no sense if field is not selected.
  2. iAndroHacker


    Ah now i know what this button means. Before i had no idea what this button means lol haha. X-plore always copy sdcard path like /storage/emulated/0/ I just found a bug. When the path is empty and you click on history, it says "History is empty". Type any characters in the textbox, will make history works
  3. iAndroHacker


    Hi, The directory of dump needs improvement in GG: 1: Support sdcard directory like "/storage/emulated/0/". Since GG does not remember the directory, I always had to copy the directory from X-plore and paste it in GG. I'm too lazy haha. In Memu emulator, I setup "/sdcard/music" as a Shared folder so i can access files easly on PC. I create a folder called gg gs120 to dump files in it , full directory would be "/storage/emulated/0/Music/gg gs120". When i give the directory to dump in GG, it tried to create a new folder that caused dump failure. See logcat below: 2. Remember the directory after I exit GG. I like it to remember. I know i can click on "..." button, click, scroll, click... but i just want to do quicker. 3. (Additional idea) Allow users to add custom path in Typical values.
  4. what does it excatly mean?
  5. This method does not work with Crusaders Quest. A full dump is needed, but winhex does not dump dex correctly
  6. #freedomofgaming
  7. Hvorfor må jeg ikke tale dansk? Ok ok, i speak only english here lol
  8. ok
  9. too confusing for me... but is it possble to bypass ALSR on Android like they did on iOS?
  10. i mean these. GDB and LLDB can get real offsets in IDA of value address found in-game while doing watchpoint but watchpoint does not work on any Android versions. Only work for iOS devices
  11. Is it possible to find real offsets of IDA when i found an address to hack a value with GG without debugging with PC? I know that Cheat Engine does have an ability to find real offsets so that peoples could use it in their trainer tools
  12. "You must conduct yourself and post in a professional manor." What does it excatly mean? sorry my english is not my native language, and i don't understand complexed english much
  13. yes this is DLL. Unity3D games contains DLL files in the APK file, and .so files for runtime. some game companies encrypt the DLL file to prevent modding but it can be decrypted via the Terminal, but a problem is some games does not allow GDB debugging
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