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  1. Open bluestack > go to menage pplication > find castle clash > uncheck autoupdate
  2. Anyone got minotaur skill code?
  3. SBGH still working
  4. how you cant understand it?? O.O just download this progrm start it and look for script he give in post and click play rolf
  5. any source about update i dont see on official forum
  6. guys remember to use hack with brain, because its many hack for CC but using them with brain protect you to get detected by IGG.
  7. I think if it will be possible you must change it every time you reset game. Because all heroes statistic lv, dmg and other are saved on IGG database.
  8. and how change lv skill ? exp. I got driud and Healing Skill lv 3, how i can hack it to lv 9? )
  9. ye that right i thnk 20,000HB is much for upgrade my heroes but now i need 100,000HB for upgrade only 1 hero
  10. HB got 2 things in this game. 1. You use it to lv up heroes to next star 1-20 1Star (upgrade cost 1000HB) 20-40 2Star (upgrade cost 3000HB) 40-60 3 Star (upgrade cost 10,000HB ) 60-80 4 Star ( upgrade cost 20,000Hb ) ETC When you reach max lv of your star you need pay Gold, HB to upgrade your hero to get next star lv . If you Got lv 20 hero and you dont upgrade it to Next star your her will always be lv 20. 2. You can use HB to Roll Heroes in Hero Altar but this is wasting your HB
  11. you pay him 20$ for his work to make 50+ guilds and for work time. not a hack
  12. Well you can do HBM to farm shards but you need to on each account 3 runs C to get 60 shards every day
  13. No way guys but use your brain when you using this hack. I see player with 4200 might and he got 280 points ( thats fire near your might idk what it;s name ) from dungeon and when i inspecct his base he got lv 60 heroes -.- comon use your brain or you will be easy banned
  14. idk how it make tower instant kill troops and hero but i just make edit for heroes code. But i dont say i am bad about this situation
  15. You guys must remember that hero position can change. You must find your individual number because if my druid 5 stars in on line 50 you can get it on 52 . You must find it alone it's simple go to first post and look how.
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