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  1. Man, you have to be patient. They just released this update..
  2. It just forced me to update to 1.2.41
  3. I get the same thing...
  4. He gave you the skill numbers, search for the numbers with your hero and you'll know where to change them in the next.
  5. That was awesome. Just ran my ninja through a dungeon with Thor's skill. Thank you!
  6. Does anyone know how to hack damage?
  7. I found my 5 star snozilla at 97. His level is 100. If that helps anyone.
  8. Does anyone have an ideas of where snowzilla's numbers are?
  9. Thank you. Worked!
  10. Has anyone had in issue with losing connection after the hack? I have reinstalled operating system. Reinstalled cc, closed all programs and still whenever I perform the hack on my legendary heros and start either hbm or dungeon, it looses connection with the server.
  11. I have root. I have never owned a phone I didn't root.
  12. A guy by the name of maxxis ayani claims to have a mod for 1.2.37.
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