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  1. Did any one hack the boost tokens to a reasonable number instead of the gifting method which is a dead give away of cheating? I did it once last week with only one contract active at the time...I think it was D word data (not 100% sure). I changed my tokens from 4 to 17 but I can't do it again.
  2. I have tried another method by searching the exp bar itself. The exp bar is a D word and it's encrypted. 1-Simply go into any level, do a fuzzy search on D word. 2-kill a mob, do changed search. 3-do any thing that doesn't give exp then do unchanged. 4-Repeat this till u have about 30 results. 5-Start changing values one at a time by simply coping it and then remove the last digit. 6-Notice your exp bar if it doesn't change then put the digit back into the value and move on to the next. 7-finally, you will find 2 values when changed your exp bar becomes empty, save those values and change them both to 0. 8-you exp bar will fill up and on killing any mob you will level up MULTIPLE levels each time. 9-After you level up, the values will change. Put them back into 0 and kill another mob to level up and so on(I got to champion level 2000 in about 15 min using this method)
  3. not sure what's wrong but according to what u said it should work perfectly..you did every thing just right..maybe try again with another version of hiromackro?
  4. nah u just need to unlock the 40 shards dungeon and b4 starting the script scroll to dung 8 so the click gets u into it
  5. Hello everyone I made this script using Hiromackro and it'll allow you to farm the 40 shard dungeon non stop 24/7 download the script from attached files or from this link https://www.mediafire.com/?xmnex8ehwcibqn3 then follow my steps 1-install hiromackro from google play store 2-open ur sd card then hiromackro then documents and paste the script file there 3-open hiromacrko..u will notice a a new script called cave when u check ur script list (this is my script) 4-open CC and do the SBGH hack for all ur heroes ( to help then finish the dung attack quickly) 5-open the dungeon selection menu and scroll all the way back to Dungeon 8 (don't attack or any thing) 6-Close the selection menu and keep CC opened at ur base without any open windows (preferably scroll away from ur buildings to an empty area) 7-press hiromackro active key ( volume down by default) 8-select the Cave script 9-Play it for infinity at 1x and delay 1 sec 10-sit back and watch the script will open the dungeon and attack by ur 5 heroes, it will give them about 1 min and 30 sec to finish it..don't worry if u used up all ur dung passes it'll know how to deal with it Have fun and please tell me ur feed back cave.txt
  6. IAfter the skill swap I think the immortep is way more powerful now but on the long run and after leveling its skill cupid will be gtg
  7. Hello everyone I'm a bit confused here so I wanna take ur opinion My hero team now has PD, Thunder god, Druid, Cupid And immortep..I'll get my spirit mage soon and I wanna replace either cupid or immortep with it..which one should I remove from my team?
  8. Thanks a lot for sharing
  9. U don't need to reconfigure the hack each time if u just leave cc and the hacker running in thebackground,just finish doing whatever u r doing,press home key and leave it like this,next time cc loads the hack will be still loaded
  10. Thank u a million..works like a charm
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