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Everything posted by Jenneh

  1. Sucks for you regardless i will add the support email to the original post for those that have problems and would like to work one on one instead of filling my thread with bug reports. Anyone who emails me will recieve a response on monday I check it every monday and do custom builds
  2. I'm using amd fx 8350 with nvidia 650gtx on one and the quad core equivalent on the other with onboard graphics.
  3. This will be a neat experiment. Another note is the computer that is running onboard graphics is using msi board with radeon 3000 or something awful haha but it is having no problems botting 8 games for me while I work on other things
  4. Gotcha thank you for that info, I was trying to figure out how you did it without being signed in. I'm unsure what the problem could be as I have 2 computers mining games for me at the moment and one of them is using a piece of crap on board graphics from the motherboard itself. so idk that the problem would be your gpu.per say.
  5. Never know till you try and I don"t understand how you could have already built a tablet on your own without being signed in, genymotion wont let you add a new tablet or any firmwares with out being signed into the cloud
  6. Yeah my version already has it all installed however you could just flash one yourself if you follow configure genymotion video and then enable the options in the second video, the developer options. i would also suggest in genymotion, you go to settings on your tablet, then change resolution to something low and dpi of 120 Then when complete you can clone it and run many. I would be more than happy to teamview with you tonight if you have any problems and build one on there for you so we could solve this problem once and for all but that is up to you.
  7. Just let me know that seems to be the only bug i haave run accross is certain ppl cant get cc to load. i assume it has to do with gpu but let us know if you need any more help
  8. no i mean that is old it is the first cc hack the site got, sorry i didn't mean to imply it would still work. Not sure how to remove it or I would have ages ago haha
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  10. yes both of the above, they will be in here delete what you dont need.... DOWNLOAD GENYMOTION INSTALLERS/ HACK TOOLS/ GAPPS ZIPS/ APK TOOLS: http://adf.ly/iDamT guide to manually set up, beginning shows how to remove a bad version
  11. its old hack but it work like the current one we have had this hack a while. ha. and sb game hacker aint nothing new sqtstreno nor fairy were the first to come up with it so ppl need to chillax
  12. im anoninthehood and im not a guy but i still use that hack to make guilds with unnamed toons see it called Happy Day ;D
  13. I am using the newest update, and using amd fx octa core cpu with nvidia 650gtx wish i had radeon x.x i get off work in a hour and have all day off if you want to troubleshoot later.
  14. Did you go to the nvidia site and check to see if you have the latest drivers?
  15. I think it is your video card or maybe the drivers bc this version works even on apple computers what kind of card are you running? after work tonight if you are still having problems you can add me on skype jenneh3739 and i will work with you one on one if you like
  16. lemme know if it has too many problems, i uploaded to mega by request maybe able to put it somewhere el;se if needed
  17. its not public its unlisted
  18. maybe join us all on skype? jenneh3739
  19. UPDATED to 2.0 All bloatware removed, down to 650 mb file size, now has editted build prop to make your online games load even faster. Also comes with Genymotion 2.0 update which features new tablets including the Google Nexus which Jenneh Motion 2.0 was built with! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hktxLZRkiGY VIP Jenneh Motion with Game Hacker loaded and HBM Hack in action (unlisted) THREAD WITH SBHG CHEATS: INSTALL/ SETUP GENYMOTION: IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS GAMING, PLEASE EMAIL ME How many gigs of ram What CPU, how many cores (1, 2, 4, 6, or 8) What Graphics Card (is it a ddr3, ddr5, how many gb (or mb for old card) it have?) What Operating System are you running and what version (Mac, Linux, Windows) ---> [email protected] HELP MAKE JENNEH MOTION BETTER BY PROVIDING FEEDBACK TO THE EMAIL PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THREAD WITH BUG REPORTS I WOULD RATHER SEE THIS THREAD BE ABOUT WHAT APPS YOU WANT, ETC... <3
  20. also i know capito want your macy for his new hacky. those with the funds to donate that feel icky about giving up your mac, if you are using genymotion you can set any mac you like fyi! then clearly label machine so you dont lose your hack
  21. pd start at 65(1) 66(2) and so on :>
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  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  24. that is too cool hahahaha i will def hit you up later this week! I love supporting neat hackz XD
  25. hey when you say change hero skill does that mean you could put immortep skill on any hero? because that would be sick! and thank you fairy :> welcome to GG
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