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    7.x (Nougat)
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    HTC 10
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  1. Goof

    LUA scripting

    Do you have an example script that covers saving and loading from file? I'm not sure how to approach this, can I load a file saved using a script and then freeze values manually with the saved list tab? Great to see scripting implemented, should add huge potential for more user friendly list once it all matures a bit
  2. Goof

    LUA scripting

    Is there a way to save values and manipulate the saved list? Or is it currently only working with the results list and the raw addresses? I would like to build a script that can save a result to the saved addresses tab, then freeze the value if necessary... Also loading a particular value in the saved list, performing an operation and then searching based on the result...
  3. 8.24 fixed all of my GG problems Rebase now works on both of my phones, NOX, and the memory is correctly showing as C++.bss on my android 7 phone This rebase is so much more than I asked for, it's awesome
  4. What do the fields in the <appname>.txt actually stand for? I have an app for which the rebase works on one phone, but not the other. There are some fields filled in the working phone that aren't there on the phone where it won't work...
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