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Everything posted by Justblaze

  1. Same get connection error Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
  2. Just tried kritika does not work for me. When I click to buy karats there is no dollar amount transaction fails. 13% success rate.
  3. Just use freedom app. Sent from my LG-D950 using Tapatalk
  4. Z4root was old way of rooting. Used it 3-4 years ago for my droid X. Not sure if it still works well with s4. Simple process download z4 tap root and wait a few seconds. If it hangs close app try again. Make sure you install superuser after your done. Can't brick your device rooting. It's what you do after the phone is rooted . Let me know if it works. Sent from my LG-D950 using Tapatalk
  5. Then your options are limited. Only other way is using a computer or laptop. If you search xda forums you can find a way to root your s4 Sent from my LG-D950 using Tapatalk
  6. https://towelroot.com Superuser is needed to sustain root. Freedom and titanium is optional
  7. Name of Game: Mother of Myth Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playnery.mom Version: 1.1.6 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...:gold diamonds ap points etc. Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: tried using freedom but diesbt work for this game can hack mana and health but locking values will fc game. Comments: cool game but would like to try hack for it.
  8. Don't need to uninstall freedom. . Simply stop freedom from running. Then reboot phone. Play store should connect. Sent from my LG-D950 using Tapatalk
  9. Download a app called blackmart should help u
  10. Also a simple solution is to go into settings on your device go to apps then find google play store. Then uninstall update. It will revert back to 3.10 or something. Then u can use freedom app again.
  11. Phone needs root for app to work. Simply download freedom apk. Go to settings on your device then go to date/time uncheck auto timezone. Then change time to Moscow time. Then open freedom app. Grant it superuser permission. If success you will see all your apps freedom can access. You have to open app from freedom in order to purchase items using freecardxxxxx.. If you don't see that then it is incorrect. Sent from something that sends things
  12. Even though it is server sided I believe it possible to hack. So far I am able to hack talent points. But unsuccessful at saving the modification. Also what I noticed when I was trying to cheat money and xp using gg and game killer at the end of the mission i didn't acquire any xp or gold.
  13. You will get that message no matter what. If you go back to your game you will notice the icon to purchase is gone.
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