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  1. What happened to this sonic guy, last seen 11 sept 2022 and not a single script made or game hacked
  2. It worked! Ty!
  3. Iruna online is not il2cpp based, so that's understandable, but why is it giving such erorror with hunt royal, when my value is A and it's il2cpp based
  4. Not working anymore, only getting script ended
  5. The game is hunt royale and iruna online. Both inside vmos 32bit android 7.1 Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/VMOSfiletransferstation/className_and_fieldOffset_searcher(V-3.1).lua:4 `local pointerSize = (info.x64 and 8 or 4)` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'x64' (local 'info') level = 1, const = 21, proto = 13, upval = 1, vars = 27, code = 48 GETTABLE v2 v1 "x64" ; PC 3 CODE 00C08087 OP 7 A 2 B 1 C 258 Bx 770 sBx -130301 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/VMOSfiletransferstation/className_and_fieldOffset_searcher(V-3.1).lua:4 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:578) Why does it say nil value when i have 1 value selected inside search
  6. I'm getting an error, probably cause this only works for 64 bit games...why not include 32 bits?
  7. This was extremely helpful, cause now i can edit offsets ingame instead of having to mod with hex editor and sign etc every time on pc. But one question though, if the offset i'm searching is from a void method and i just want to enable it how would you do that? I followed this, got to where i wanted, but have no idea what datatype i should change to just "activate" the void method.
    Everything works, but ban chance is extremely high and none of the reviewers and scriptmaker warns u anywhere so Have fun getting banned easily
    Iruna scripts map tp works seamlessly! Atk/ walk speed and item/skill delay doesn't work, but no problem for me, i already know how to find those values
  8. Iruna script is amazing especially the maps teleport! Atk/walk speed, delay item/skill i already knew how to find in ordinary gg. I'd like to learn how to make script myself Few things: -walk speed & delay item/skill doesn't do anything - can't really tell if atk speed has been changed so idk But the map/boss tp alone is more than good enough, the rest i can hack myself
  9. Yes it's possible to hack this game, tons mods been out there for several years. But nowadays it seems impossible to find android mod, only ios https://platinmods.com/threads/jb-ios-14-toram-online-ver-3-5-25-mod-menu-god-mode-always-crit-no-skill-cd-attack-speed.57786/
  10. The big problem with vmos is that tons of games now are capable of checking if you're playing in a virtual environment. All asobimos games have that check and can't be played in vmos, unless u find a way to mod the app and bypass the security checks. Apart from that, vmos is one of the best things i had found last year. Using non root gg never worked on my huawei mate 10 pro and my one plus nord 2, so vmos was a big life changer for me
  11. I'd like it too bro, thx in advance
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