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  1. I have found a site online that can obfuscate gg scripts. Thank you for helping answer all of my questions.
  2. This is what I have currently. I was wanting a better way of encryption because I can decrypt that within ten seconds.
  3. I mean not exactly what I was looking for, but that is what I need. How is it possible for me to encrypt my scripts in such a way? Is it a Game Guardian script, or something else? I just need some sort of encryption like the one you just showed so I can stop people from stealing stuff within my script. If you could please tell me how, I would be thankful. I wasn't encrypting them before, but somebody took my script and changed the name of it and made it their own. So now I am attempting at trying to make it more difficult to do so.
  4. I have a basic Game Guardian encryption script. What I was just wondering is if there was a GG script that could make a different sort of encryption than the one I am usually seeing. I usually see ones like this. (Script below encrypts lua scripts) I am not good with code talk, so I will explain visually. You will see massive walls of characters, right? Random characters and a few emojis with this type of encryption. I was wanting to see if there was such a script (like the one below) but instead encrypts by strings of numbers. You know, instead of long walls of characters. My reasoning is because I am making scripts for people and I don't want them to take my code and paste it into their own script. This type of encryption below can easily be decrypted with an app called SSTOOL. I just wanted a stronger form of encryption. COMPILER+CONVERTER.lua
  5. From what I have heard from others I know, Game Guardian just flips out with Xposed on an Android 11. They attempted using scripts, but it didn't work. Some apps that had previously worked with Xpose on Android 10 were refusing to work all of a sudden. -- I have 3 theories. 1) Game Guardian needs an update to allow Android 11 to function with Xposed (Sorta doubting this one) 2) Virtual Xposed itself needs an update for Android 11. If you look at its description, it says the highest Android version it functions with is an Android 10. So perhaps this isn't Game Guardian's fault? Maybe you must wait until Virtual Xposed itself has an update to allow Android 11 users to access it without error. 3) Android 11 may have some sort of new privacy protection update. This could be disabling Virtual Xposed, Game Guardian, or both. Hope I helped you somewhat.
  6. So, recently I was going through mobile games and going onto YouTube to find some Game Guardian scripts for them. I came across a game called The Wolf and decided to download a script for it. I changed the lua file of this script into a text file to better view the lua. When I opened it, I saw the entire thing was encrypted in such a fashion I have never seen before. This script's lua was encrypted into strings of numbers. My main question is this: Is there a Game Guardian script I can download and use to encrypt my own scripts in such a manner? (Into strings of numbers) Also another question: How did they do this? -- (Script attached below) - Not my script - TheWolf.txt
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