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  1. can u re-upload the video please !! or upload it to https://streamable.com/
  2. thanks it works and I can do the level hack now, contact me in private and i'll give u the way if u want. Oh, and for the resources, u can get all of them in the quests rewards, by changing the id number above the value in a range from 0 to 8, and the id number under the value to 1.
  3. Really appreciated man I can find the values now one more question please, I'm in the second row, so how can I know the exact values ?? I've tried 100;100,100;700;20 dword Anonymous but it's not working thanks
  4. I tried but I couldn't find the values in the rewards section !! what's the memory range ? and what about the XP hack ! any idea !!
  5. Hi guys I tried to hack the game and I had a success hacking some values in the awards section + the abilities points (Dword, Anonymous). But when I tried to hack gems in shop (Dword, Anonymous) and revert the value to "-999999", the value disappears or it cannot be clicked, so I changed it to "1" and then it works and starts to decrease by only "1". For the XP hack, I tried to search in normal, encrypted, and even fuzzy mode and I cannot change it whatever I did. Game link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FoxieGames.WildWolfAnimalSim It's my first post in this amazing forum so pardon me if I did break any rule thanks
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