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    Nexus 7(2013); OnePlus One
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  1. Any updates on VIP perks, why update payment methods if there's no features... FnJ
  2. Late on this bandwagon, anyone have a short or full tutorial for CC? Tried Jenneh's number searches and couldn't find any values. FnJ
  3. Did a full tutorial in the VIP section. But it's been there for a while so I might as well share it. Turn to offline mode. Use your memory editor (SBGH for me, GG and others should work) Change any values you like. Turn to online mode to sync your values. FnJ
  4. I like them all! I use to be really really into GFX. And the key rule taught to me was depth, focus, and color families. I might start up again since I have so much time. FnJ
  5. Pie is a very very broad category. Which type of pie FnJ
  6. Everything in VIP is in the VIP+ section of the forum and the VIP+ download section in the forums. That's all there is right now :/ FnJ
  7. I've spent many many hours looking into this. Everything is server sided, I mean everything. Meaning unless we spoof their server (and encryption) not much can be done. Just to list I few I've tested: BTC, Over clocks, Level, Reputation, App level, Bank, BTC generation rate, processor speed, cracking/bypassing time, over clock rate/s, store, IAP. Everything really. FnJ
  8. Let's see... Top 3: Hip Hop, EDM, RnB But I also like trap, pop, rap, jazz.
  9. Easiest (and safest) way is CyanogenMod. It will wipe your data so back up what you need. http://beta.download.cyanogenmod.org/install
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2NDhkaA6y4 Name of Requested File: Elements: Epic Heroes Link To Download: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.gamevil.elements Comments: Currently in Beta. By GamEvil. Any mods/hacks would be great, I'll be searching and posting updates as well.
  11. Grats on them, welcome to VIP.
  12. Weird, mine activated instantly after purchase.
  13. Packet Editing is one of the most powerful forms and least protected ways to hack a game. Thanks for this, was looking for ways to do this for a while. Last image is broken but o well, I'm assuming its a packet sender and shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Cheers, Cryzies
  14. Nope,not satisfied at all. Outdated content. Better public tutorials else where. All we seem to have is CC, and if your not on that craze its worthless really.
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