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  1. Try to mod the game with lucky patcher (in-app/LVL emulation) to make purchase for free and get diamonds, it was working back in time.
  2. IMPORTANT NOTICE : This file is no longer working since latest Gardenscapes update
  3. Which post or thing don't you understand ? I would be ok to explain you better
  4. I didn't check this out cause my bot are already maxed (legit way)
  5. In that case, just edit the moves with a low value like 250, just enough for finish your level without getting a lot of coins. Because more you have moves, more wou you will earn money. If you want to edit moves without running my script, look at the source code and do your manual research using it.
  6. I hope I will be promoted to contributor before the forum closes lol
  7. If you bought the season pass (for diamonds), you can get free new items in the shop instead of looking ads, it could be a fine alternative. Edit to be more clear : There is a button to renew offer by watching an ad in the top of the shop menu, if the season pass is enabled, this button works for free without looking any ads.
  8. As you said, only if coins/gems are spended, maybe there is another value close to the ammount which could give the displayed item...
  9. I tried to reproduce on my own game i found something VERY interesting too ! Just edit the first dword "1" value you find to dword "3" will drop the item cost to free, no need to look for float value at the end, edit the first dword to "2" and the item will cost gems. As you can see on the second picture, i can even set a discount on a free item If you lock the material ammount value, you can [buy > close shop > open shop > buy] items a indefinitely for free. After being bought, the item ammount value turn to "105 354" (basically 66535 without xor encoding, this value is the word maximum range value). Edit this one to any available value will make the item came back in the shop, this is why lock the item value will let item in the shop.
  10. I never created any 1.5 section But its fine to me, you explain GG things better than me lol same, looks like chrome does not support this player...
  11. View File Gardenscapes - Unlimited COINS/MOVES GARDENSCAPES LUA SCRIPT - HACK COINS AND MOVES > Tested on game version : 6.1.2 (Google Play Store) > How to use this script (fast demo) : https://youtu.be/Eria9li0nqM The code written in this file is open source, licenced under the Unlicense. Submitter FloatKey Submitted 04/18/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  12. Version 1


    GARDENSCAPES LUA SCRIPT - HACK COINS AND MOVES > Tested on game version : 6.1.2 (Google Play Store) > How to use this script (fast demo) : https://youtu.be/Eria9li0nqM The code written in this file is open source, licenced under the Unlicense.
  13. lol, talking about a table of value, excel have a native xor function, so you can easily made a lot of xor operations in one row. I made my own and its one of the best tool i ever got for game guardian It look like this :
  14. ABOUT THE LATEST VERSION 1.4 : > XOR keys from my previous messages stay unchanged > In App purchases remain vulnerable to lucky patcher > The new currency (danger zone energy) is in the same format value as the botpack energy.
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