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  1. Yes if you are not logged. Don’t spread fake news that will lead other users to be banned.
  2. Yes I thought I was a clear about that but only a few read the description of the script they download.
  3. Being able to auto detect the current car is an amazing touch.
  4. I read the russian forum and I won’t be able to write a script to change the top speed. There is no universal algorithm for now.
  5. It would have helped me more if the guy made the effort to change the GG language to english and explain a little where he got the search values from.
  6. I have written my own script from scratch that works with 9.2.0. It is available here. @MarioRossi93i if you need help to update any scripts, just come to me. I’m not much experienced about finding encrypted values but I have some modest programming skills.
  7. View File RR3 car hack (alternative) Guys, only use this script if the Marco Rossi script doesn’t work for you. I only wrote this to have fun and learn LUA meanwhile Marco update his own script. Last script version : 9.2.0 Real Racing 3 target version : 9.2.0 Game guardian target version : 101.0 Take care to download -emu version if you play the game in a emulator (only tested with Memu) ⚠ Don’t spam the review section below if the script doesn’t work for you. Use the support page. And don’t keep asking me to update the script to support a new RR3 version if someone already asked. I’m not paid for this. 🎞 Watch demonstration Features Allow to hack the characteristics of the cars : Acceleration Brake distance (feet) [see screenshot above to know how to see distance in feet] Grip Limitations Unfortunately, there are some You can not change speed (use Marco Rossi script to edit speed) The online multiplayer races will banish you. Your position won’t be recorded. Hence, don’t use the hacked cars in online multiplayer races ⚠ Recommandation ⚠ Disconnect Facebook or Google account of the game when using any scripts or buying cars or upgrade with fake money earned by the script by Mario Rossi. However, connect one of your account as soon as you have completed some stuffs and make cloud backup as often as possible. Just be careful your money and gold are not too high when you’re connected or you will be banned for sure. Max 2 millions of R$ or M$ and 2,000 of gold. Lesser you have when connected, better it is. Then don’t forget to disconnect again after backup. ⚠ Note ⚠ If the script doesn’t find any values or doesn’t run at all, check this first : The version of the script is the same as the version of the game. You run the Game Guardian version suggested You run -emu version in a emulator and the standard version in your smartphone You read error messages and apply suggestions to solve encountered issues The script have been successfully tested on Memu 7.3.3 and OnePlus 6 (android 9) Submitter frederic82 Submitted 03/02/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 9.2.0


    Guys, only use this script if the Marco Rossi script doesn’t work for you. I only wrote this to have fun and learn LUA meanwhile Marco update his own script. Last script version : 9.2.0 Real Racing 3 target version : 9.2.0 Game guardian target version : 101.0 Take care to download -emu version if you play the game in a emulator (only tested with Memu) ⚠ Don’t spam the review section below if the script doesn’t work for you. Use the support page. And don’t keep asking me to update the script to support a new RR3 version if someone already asked. I’m not paid for this. 🎞 Watch demonstration Features Allow to hack the characteristics of the cars : Acceleration Brake distance (feet) [see screenshot above to know how to see distance in feet] Grip Limitations Unfortunately, there are some You can not change speed (use Marco Rossi script to edit speed) The online multiplayer races will banish you. Your position won’t be recorded. Hence, don’t use the hacked cars in online multiplayer races ⚠ Recommandation ⚠ Disconnect Facebook or Google account of the game when using any scripts or buying cars or upgrade with fake money earned by the script by Mario Rossi. However, connect one of your account as soon as you have completed some stuffs and make cloud backup as often as possible. Just be careful your money and gold are not too high when you’re connected or you will be banned for sure. Max 2 millions of R$ or M$ and 2,000 of gold. Lesser you have when connected, better it is. Then don’t forget to disconnect again after backup. ⚠ Note ⚠ If the script doesn’t find any values or doesn’t run at all, check this first : The version of the script is the same as the version of the game. You run the Game Guardian version suggested You run -emu version in a emulator and the standard version in your smartphone You read error messages and apply suggestions to solve encountered issues The script have been successfully tested on Memu 7.3.3 and OnePlus 6 (android 9)
  9. @TopGEOYT When I run the script on GG 101, it returns it can connect to server.
  10. It works here. For those who never used this script before, you may not understand how it works despite the video.
  11. Be sure to download the last version of the script: rr3_autowin_hack.v9. The race is completed but to see it you need to refresh the view. To do so, select another race or exit the championship and get back to see changes.
  12. It works on my phone with last version of the game. Android 9.
  13. Just don't use it then and pay for the game.
  14. Well still works with previous version of the script: rr3_currency_hack.v9.
  15. No longer work with last 9.1.1
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