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Everything posted by james121088

  1. How to do this?
  2. I get the base abi, adven pts, work pts hack and the item quantity also the id, i want to know about in this game any possible hack method it would be appreciate as always, ive learn a lot with your tut and explanation..
  3. What should do now? Hm.. i wanna try my first script in that game
  4. james121088

    Dumping coromon

    Hello there, Imma try to dump name COROMON but the problem is i can't the metadata of the game i tried to dump the latest version of coromon, can someone help me or provide a metadata of the game i would appreciate that help tho
  5. I will try it now ill update you if it's working..
  6. james121088


    Do i need to decompile to get resource.car using solar2D
  7. james121088


    changing nature to perfect mons is ez you start from finding hp then start serching from dword type
  8. james121088


    where to get this and how i have zerobrane installed in my desktop
  9. It's just a visual i think it's encrypted maybe i should use httpcanary from here to see what i got hm.. anyway i want to decrypt .xml file using zerobrane studio would you mind to help me to decrypt it..
  10. james121088


    How did you get this 5734 hp and 5741 sp??
  11. You can actually edit that on xml folder of coromon
  12. how did you get the memory of this game, can anyone tell me how to do this? in my previous game of MHS i didn't do it like this i just modify the item, weapon etc. even a teleport to other place to make my quest to be quick is much easier for me -_- maybe if i can do this i can do what ever i want to the game.
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