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Everything posted by THETWINSOFFICIAL

  1. Game 64bit version : 0.26.15 Zygisk module Feature : dmg god mode mana Note: auto on cheats just install module and play a game Link module: Module Zygisk telegram : @MyAlessa
  2. Disable floatin gg, that game detected floating gg
  3. Liapp ? Yes better then nhn appguard So cant bypass liapp deteksi root because that game , have anti tamper , So can skip detektion root , use magisk delta

    Help me

    See youtube bro how hide gg apps
  5. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/37966-how-modif-parameter-and-enum/#comment-140768

    Xs range

    Why ? maybe some game data is stored in xa /ca/a and discuss it a lot than the xs
  7. Change use mov and see what happen
  8. That have dll no need to decompile oe dump So just edit and put change original
  9. Edit dll and save Copy to same directoy
  10. What lib you dump ? Example if you dump lib liba.so Target lib liba.so + offset
  11. That offset Must use calculasi offset Libil2cpp + offset
  12. https://t.me/Help_Me_AndroNite_ChatGroup
  13. File available on descripsi video
  14. Follow this tutorial File Dump zip #No root / root Follow this tutorial #Root user follow this tutorial how copy and paste lib
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