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  1. I tried running freedom with Tiny Monsters and it said purchase successful but it never showed up in game.
  2. Also found you can change the coins to higher than natural max without a crash I tested it out with 250k coins and 1m coins both worked.
  3. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game: Tiny Monsters Game Version: 2.2 I believe Name of Cheat: Instant Ramen! No Instant food growth and egg hatch. Steps: Open both Tiny Monsters, and GameGuardian. Start a crop. The highest yielding one you can use. (For me it's Royal Radish) Open GG search and go to Fuzzy. Click "Auto" and change it to 4 bytes (this you learn will cut your search time down significantly) Sellect "Smaller" as time is going down on your crop. Repeat step 4. until the list is small. Typically under 20. look for entries that have 8 digits and start with 108 or 109. Long press these entries and enter the number 3000. This is the magic number for task completion. Check and see if your crops grew. If it didn't check your dream room, habitat upgrade, egg nursery, etc. The same process completes all timed processes in game. Enjoy ;} Video by yours truly.
  4. I know right? Shame on me
  5. After reading this I found 250,000 seems safe enough I used this number instead of the 7500 (it changed as soon as I locked the amount in) and collected myself up to 15m. I just like to try safe first in case of terrible crashes, that's why the video says 7500. As for the orb, when you use the coin hack at a high enough rate there's really no reason to hack both just feed it normally with your new coins
  6. For speed hack... or rather timed boards, rather than trying to effect the time. Use GG to change your target score. (Get 100,000 in 90 seconds). 1.) Open Game Guardian 2.) Opern Candy crush 3.) Start timed board. 3.) Make a few matches. Remember your current score. 4.) Open GG (click the dog) and clear search. I always do this but you don't have to if this is the first cheat you're entering. 5.) Enter your current score and search. 6.) Back out and make a few more matches and add your current score. 7.) Keep doing steps 5 and 6 until the list is really small. 8.) Long press the address you think is your score change it to any number higher than target. If your score changes, keep playing or let time expire.
  7. I thought Freedom stopped working with the last Play Store update...
  8. Ok as of maybe I sunno a couple weeks ago I was relatively new to GG but I'm a quick learner. I picked up the basics and can cheat in almost any game now if I know what in game I'm looking for. Server sided of course being the reason to use Game Guardian. I'm used to root explorerer sqlite editing style of hacking games which doesn't work nearly as much. I have a youtube channel that I started a few minutes ago and I'm hoping youtube will leave it alone. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLo3bcmAWbgHIsvSfEOQJQ I narrate my videos cause I don't have an annoying voice XD
  9. Thanks I found another forum to figure this one out. This works for all building (expansions included) breeding etc. as well as evolving monsters, hatching eggs, and farming anything with a timer basically. I just found coins too. Social snacks and diamonds I can't figure out. Video:
  10. Game Guardian Cheat: Tiny Monsters 1.) Open Game Guardian 2.) Open Tiny Monsters 3.) Click habitat (I chose large earth cause it has the highest max) 4.) Fuzzy search for "larger" 5.) repeat step 4 to lessen the range of cheats. 6.) Back out of Game Guardian search and collect habbitat. 7.) Fuzzy search for "smaller" 8.) Fuzzy search for larger again. 9.) Look for a number closest to the amount of coins int he habitat you want to modify (you open the habitat first so you can see the actual amount in bottom left of screen) 10.) Long press the one you think is right and change the amount to 7500 Press it to save and type a name like money and check the box to lock it. 11.) Collect like mad. Video:
  11. Has anybody been able to cheat since recent Ccs Update?
  12. Works for moves. When it's down to 3 choices I change them all until I see the move counter increase. I can't seem to get time to work though. I tried fuzzy and it wouldn't work. Any ideas? Update: I never figured out time, but I did have an epiphany that superceded the brain *****. Rather than change the time, change the score. I set my score to the target to reach and passed the level.
  13. Name of Game: Tiny Monsters Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Version if you know it: What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: coins/food/diamond/speed Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I'm used to cheating games the old fashioned way and that's to take a look at the game through root explorer. Tiny Monsters however is server side and none of the files found changes the game. I picked up gg6 and did as instructed and found the addresses and changed the amounts but they don't change on my game. Tried search and fuzzy search and came to the same addresses for coins and food. Why do I do next to make the cheat take hold? Comments:
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