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Everything posted by Kimastar

  1. Kimastar


    Yes this are bonus stat that u gain after couple exp that make your coromon more stronger!!! I dont know if its possible to bypass the limit.
  2. Kimastar


    Bro im talking about change the nature to perfect...i dont like hack things like attack or something like that because its ruin completely the game it self...maybe @NoFear and @Platonic can help pls?
  3. Kimastar


    Hi bro!!! Im tryed to hack coromon after new update and i cant hack anymore the perfect nature...maybe they fixed.... @NoFear @Platonic can u help us maybe there is another method? Ty so much!!!
  4. Np take your time^^
  5. Did u find something that can be hacked? I think its fully side server or need someone that are very skilled like @NoFear
  6. Hi! Why when i try to load your script its tell me to connect to internet? if i dont accept i cannot use your script.
  7. Well tbh i was unable to hack it yet...did u find something that u can share with us pls?
  8. Hehehe i was about to make the same post but u was more fast then me^^ Im tryed to hack with and without encrypt but if im doing without seems like i cannot add money and instead if im doing with encrypt the game crash...
  9. Kimastar


    Cool ty how to find negative stat instead?
  10. Kimastar


    Ty for your answer and im sorry if u get angry but I certainly didn't want to belittle your work! this was just miss understanding! Yhea after the SP going to negative im unable to find again the correct value. Also because i dont know how to script. what is that file u sended??? its for find negative value???
  11. Kimastar


    Hi! I never said boring and maybe i explained bad because english its not my main languages. I have to said ty for find it another method but what i mean is doing all this steps can be done directly by hacking the SP point that its more fast. I was just looking the method to dont get negative stat.
  12. Kimastar


    OK i followed your guide and seems like its work BUT at 55 second of your video when u execute a scritp whats that "stringformatting.lua" that i dont have it??? Seems like it "clean" other result and even i didnt use those script i was able to have this 2 result (with other result too) "3.0 and 1.0" double. Then after i put all SP point and saved when i close and open again the game and lvl up the blue bars etvoila again i receiving -380 point again so all this effort for nothing? seems like u choose the hardest way to hack when instead mine was moooore fast. Simply when i reiceived the first 3 SP point i did 3 double then assigned 1 point and refine with 2 then when i have 1 result i overwrite with 9999999 and im hacked the SP point.
  13. Kimastar


    OMG!!! Ty soo much!!! How did u get this values???
  14. Kimastar


    WOW Great work!!! How did u get those values??? Also ty for your work but im not interested to hack the game like this. I prefer hack the SP and stay with "legit" STAT also make the game too much boring and with no challenges if i put attack to 999999999!!! So did u know how to hack just SP please?
  15. Kimastar


    Bro...did u read my second post? i put also 5 screenshot.... Like i said i hacked the potential point to 999999999999 but after i add 380 point (its the cap u can add to a single Coromon) my point go down to -380.... So seems like even im able to cheat the potential point and add to a coromon the game recognizes that i dont have soo much point.
  16. Kimastar


    U get Potential point with EXP! There its 2 bars, for EXP and another in blue for potential point! im hacked the EXP that put me to lvl 25 (that is the cap for this DEMO and u cant cross it) even i put 999.999.999 u still cap to lvl 25.... Also i dont understand what did u mean for "if you know how to get it you could try to edit at that point before x value is assigned to your pokemon looking char." If u can explain what i have to do i can try it ty.
  17. Kimastar


    Hi! Im worry about because like you can see in the screenshot this its just a DEMO before the final release that will come out soon with all progress you made. Also there is a full release of Coromon on STEAM so i think they just "testing" on android version before release it full version. Did you know how i can put back -380 to 0+??? ty so much!
  18. Kimastar


    HI! Coromon has 2 bars! One its for EXP and under (in blue) its for add 3 bonus point in any stat u want! They raise togheter when u get EXP from mobs but the blue tab ask more point compared to EXP tab because u receive 3 point bonus! U can hack blue bars to add as many SP point u want (the cap its around 380 point) BUT after u hack this bar your point go under 0 and to be exact u go under -380 point!!! U can gain couple point back when u lvl up anyway u will stay under the 0. So im try to figure it out HOW i can hack SP bar WITHOUT go under 0. Atm seems like there is no problem stay under the 0 BUT who know in the future releases??? Like u can see from the first screenshot i take an Coromon - Then learned 3 SP point bonus - Hacked the SP point - Placed all SP bonus point (u see when u cap when a stat become red) - Then after placed all point my point go down to -380.... Any tip guys to fix???
  19. Im able to hack the point bonus BUT everytime im place all point i get like -380 point and then im unable to hack again the point bonus... (-380 point because you need like 380 point to cap the bonus point) - There is a way to hack the bonus point without go under zero??? - Also its possible to hack the EXP??? - Its possible to increase achievement level??? Ty so much!!!
  20. Someone telled me that if u hack the special TAB u will get banned....is that true?
  21. I discovered cool thing.... If u get BANNED while u are connected to WIFI and try to make new account u will unable to make new character because u still BANNED even u uninstall the game....BUT if u switch to 4G connection or reset your router connection et-voilà your are able to make new account!!! so i think the BAN its related to your IP. (u cant unban your old character with this method) EDIT Did u know how to hack master sigil? im try with x4 and x8 without success....
  22. 1 - U can just hide with option 2 and 3 because to me its working 2 - Also i have another question... I was able to hack in gladiator tab to buy the equip but not the item master sigil....because there some item that hask for gladiator and master sigil....its possible to hack master sigil? 3 - Last question... Im tryed to backup the save inside a data but didnt worked....the save is stored inside OBB???
  23. Guys im reach to torment 3 so i want to talk with someone in private about stragy and other thing like gear, power up etc etc that im not understand yet so if someone with experience in that game want to PM me maybe we can talk in discord or in private chat ty. @vishal_0610 i dont know but im looking too because i need those hack too...but if i remember well those was server side.
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