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Kimastar last won the day on January 22

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    Redmi NOTE 10 PRO - Redmi NOTE 8 PRO - Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE
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  1. Before asking for help you should check if someone else has already done it before you to prevent double posts like in this case. Pokemon GCC Pocket (#9uqads3v)
  2. We take everything that comes to us without complaining
  3. Ty so much^^
  4. Yhea!!! we need to wait and cross the finger
  5. It takes more than just a fuzzy search. I think it is possible to find something since it was made by Dena but we need someone who is really good!!!
  6. Game Name: Pokemon GCC Pocket Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.pokemon.pokemontcgp&pli=1 Hack Request: Everything can be hacked @NoFear Mostly only u can do this, also its made from "Dena" so its not impossible for u^^
  7. Nope...did u know how to patch it to hide on my RN8 PRO?
  8. I have an Redmi note 10 PRO with A12 and with developer option/USB debug ON and i can play without problem, also im able to use GG on this game. BUT i noticed on Redmi note 8 PRO with A10 im unable to run even with developer option/USB debug OFF. So if someone can help to hack this game its appreciate.
  9. Game Name: Miraibo GO Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dream.miraibo&hl=it Hack Request: Everything can be hacked @NoFear Can u help us?
  10. Now yes at the beginning the only way to play was to close developer option...with the last update the devs removed this to let ppl play without problem because the rating was 1.5 lol and now its 3.1. Anyway there is any way to hack it???
  11. @ItsSC Any news?
  12. Game Name: Disney Pixel RPG Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.gungho.tri&hl=it Hack Request: Everything can be hacked The game its not up yet because the server open in couple hrs BUT the game crash every time im try to launch it because seems like this game can check if USB debug is ON so im installed LSposed module "ImNotDeveloper" to hide but keep crashing so can be an sort of anti cheat? its possible to bypass??? ty.
  13. Its stop to working this script?
  14. How?
  15. They turn back because its server side...u cant do nothing about.
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