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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2024 in Posts

  1. Update please, thank you
    1 point
  2. Instead of proliferating items it is not possible It seems better to increase as much as possible while holding the previous ver
    1 point
  3. Hello everyone i see everyone as trouble to modify ingredients but is the thing the most simple to do ! Let me explain : Open a pot Look for a ingredient to modify Insert is value on GG ( autosearch ) Then search After that put ingredients on pot ( like lets say you want to have 999 yellow , you put 3 yellow and after you put what you want , but don't put yellow again so you can be precise ) Cook recipe After pokemon came Open pot put the new value of the ingredient you choose ( let's say you had 10 yellow , but you cooked a recipe so you should had 7 yellow now, so put 7 on GG click search ( not new search , i have GG in french ) ) Do the same thing until you get 1 or 2 values if you have 2 choose dword else chose byte Change it , close pot , open pot Enjoy ! Now i need help , i'm stuck modifying pokemon stats , after modifying i exit to go to fight pokemons but it gets the base stats ! Any help please ? Thank you ! Any news about getting the dlc content for free ? I want it so bad xD Have a nice day , and ask me for help if you need !
    1 point
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