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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.6


    Reset bonus price (VP) in all rounds, both architectures And open all expired rounds. This script uses pointer chains, so it may not work with another game version. Tested on NOX 7.1.2 (32bit) and tablet with Android 10 (x64) and VirtualXposed. reset-vp.mp4
    1 point
  2. fun fact on your savefile it has 2 thing inside of it, a 128 random letters and a readable json and you thinks maybe i can tamper the save, nope you cant, cuz on load the game did server checks on it using that 128 random letters or SHA512, basically it goes like - read the file - do request to a server and fetch the save file (cloud save using that sha512 as identifier) - compare both local and server, and if it mismatch, start new game, and i was thinking what if i send external rest api call to their server and says, here my new save, and remember this sha512 okie, and since the loads always be checked on load, for example, if you start a new game from existing game then play abit, then quit and then resume same save, it'll ask if you want to load cloud or use local, soo basically that what i mean. sooooooooo....... :3 basically, i can tamper it all i want, since it has deviceID, userID, caps, and most importantly ShoppingList where you can just insert stuff in it as "topup", i admit it, using irreversible method of checking is quite good than old save file that add this (i found this specifically on 1.462 to compare what changes) L3_2.****YouCoolHackerSuckMyBinaryBalls = {} lol, kinda defeats the purpose of the sumchecks when you can easily tamper it. i also understand WHY you need UserID for the topup, cuz you can ask for pincode, and then from that pincode you can basically do everything, Changename, tampersave, unban yourself, add items to yourself, basically Admin priv, in scope of your own account obviously you'll understand what i mean by 128 SHA512 on 1st line and then JSON data on 2nd line, if you see the datas
    1 point
  3. 339 downloads

    Game Name: Daisho: Survival of a Samurai Package: PLAY STORE Architecture: 64 & 32 BIT Version: 1.1.2 FEATURES: 1- FAST MOVE 2- FAST ATTACK 3- DUMB ENEMY 4- IMMORTAL CREDITS: LATOM Telegram: https://t.me/LATOM_HACKER Follow me for any update Enjoyed
    1 point
  4. alright, hope it works for everyone else, this script is just for general use, soo not specific stuff such as event specific MediaFire Direct Download Link it's zip file, you gotta extract it first :3
    1 point
    Hey Nosferatu, Awesome! script this is great for new players who would like to open the Season 1, Rounds and now 2 the ones closing plus all the round 1 to 10 and it's going to very handy. Thx! ☆ I hope you bring out more soon;)
    1 point
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