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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2014 in all areas

  1. Name of Game: dead trigger APK link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.madfingergames.deadtrigger&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5tYWRmaW5nZXJnYW1lcy5kZWFkdHJpZ2dlciJd What do you want modded? Health, xp, gold...: gold, cash Comments: im really into this.. but needed to play with goldhehe..tnx
    1 point
  2. File Name: ZENONIA® 5 Mod (Offline/Free Shopping) File Submitter: RayySP File Submitted: 29 Dec 2012 File Category: Modded apks ZENONIA 5 v1.0.3 Mod (Offline/Free Shopping) Requirements: 2.2+ Overview: ZENONIA® 5: Wheel of Destiny The Definitive Action RPG Returns! Mod info: 1. No root access required 2. Can play game in offline mode (if the menu does not appear when you play game, please press the back key, and then cancel to exit it) 3. Can play game in online mode2. General store items free purchase [need online] 4. Purchase properties without zen coins [need online] 5. Purchase skill points without zen coins [need online] 6. Purchase zen store items without zen coins [need online] 7. Purchase wizards without zen coins [need online] 8. Purchase mech without zen coins [need online] 9. Upgrade equipment with Zen [need online] 10. Do PvP (you must have a not banned android_id) [need online] 11. Do Abyss(you must have a not banned android_id) [need online] 12. Need zenonia5.conf if you want to change your android_id or it will use the id of your phone. 13. Remove game start news 14. Remove update check. 15. New character created will have a lot of money. 16. Use bank functions (you must have a not banned android_id) [need online] Note* Follow the instructions given in the "Read Here.txt" after you have extracted the zip file" Credits to bhgbox team for the version 1.0.2 mod. And Devitrianto for adding more crack. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  3. Game of war Not a paid app but has pay for gold Version: What cheat? gold Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Comments: tried to use game guardian any I'm new at it and for some reason can't get it to work anyone figure how to work it with game of war thank you
    1 point
  4. Name of Game:Samurai II Vengeance Game Version if known:any Name of Cheat:Karma(to Buy Combats and health lvl) Steps: Open both Game(Samurai II Vengeance), and GameGuardian(GG). kill a man then click on your health bar see what KARMA: you have search karma value in GG kill another man then search now repeat untill you get 2-3 values then change them to 99999999 Its done then buy all combats and level up your health bar.
    1 point
  5. Nope :/ You can only hack heroes HP, DMG, Skill, and Energy Bar. HB, like gems/gold/mana/shards, are all server based so you can't change any of those.
    1 point
  6. Le tutoriel ici : Il est complet , j'espère que tu y arriveras
    1 point
  7. The gems is server-side you cannot change amount. <french> Salut lilirageuse, Tu ne peut pas changer le montant de tes gemmes. Tous les valeurs de monnaies, gold, mana, gemmes sont stockés sur le serveur, et il vérifie avant chaque achat si tu as asser d'argent. Par contre avec Game Hacker tu peut changer la puissance de tes héros, leurs skill, ainsi que la chance de proc de leurs skill. </french>
    1 point
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