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  1. I'm currently working on making my pixel gun 3d speedhack pro version finished and made public (will have 34 speeds as well as custom) and also a township mega hack (gold, money, xp, prices, regatta, friend gifts, barn space, barn items, etc.). Which script do you want to see? Reply with what you want me to prioritize!
  2. Name of Game: Breach & Clear Game Version: 1.03e Steps: Close the game. Open a root enabled file explorer. Navigate to: /data/data/com.gun.bnc/shared_prefs Open the file "com.gun.bnc.xml" in a text editor. For coins/cash hack, change the value after "SilverAmount" to whatever you want. To unlock Gold Gun, add "<int name="GoldGuns" value="1" />" after "<int name="Screenmanager Resolution Height" value="720" />", and add "<int name="GoldM4" value="1" />" under "<string name="Squad4">{&quot;SquadIndex&quot;:4, &quot;Owned&quot;:0, &quot;Created&quot;:1, &quot;SquadName&quot;:&quot;JTF2 Alpha Team&quot;}</string>" Squad Hacks: You can hack your squads' stats. You must first know which number your squad is (1-5). In this example, I have Squad4. Each squad member will look like this (ie, this is the third squad member of the 4th squad): <string name="Squad4Soldier3">{&quot;VestColor&quot;:0, &quot;Uniform&quot;:&quot;Prefab_Uniform_JTF2_CADPAT&quot;, &quot;Vest&quot;:&quot;Prefab_Vest_SpecialOperationsPlateCarrier_Starter&quot;, &quot;SkillPoints&quot;:0, &quot;Helmet&quot;:&quot;Prefab_Helmet_JTF2MICH2001&quot;, &quot;HasSecondSlot&quot;:0, &quot;HealthLv&quot;:70, &quot;FirstName&quot;:&quot;Franklin&quot;, &quot;InvSlot0&quot;:&quot;conGenericFragGrenade&quot;, &quot;InvSlot1&quot;:&quot;conGenericMedpack&quot;, &quot;LifetimeSpecialActions&quot;:0, &quot;GunID&quot;:3, &quot;Gun&quot;:&quot;Prefab_C8A2_JTF2&quot;, &quot;Mugshot&quot;:4, &quot;LastName&quot;:&quot;Barnes&quot;, &quot;EvasionLv&quot;:55, &quot;HelmetColor&quot;:0, &quot;UniformColor&quot;:0, &quot;Level&quot;:11, &quot;PatchID&quot;:-1, &quot;SpeedLv&quot;:55, &quot;Spec&quot;:4, &quot;AccuracyLv&quot;:60, &quot;LifetimeKills&quot;:57, &quot;LifetimeAssists&quot;:47, &quot;LifetimeDamageTaken&quot;:2780, &quot;SpecialLv&quot;:55, &quot;ReactionLv&quot;:55, &quot;Experience&quot;:1548}</string> The values to change for stats are: &quot;HealthLv&quot;:70, &quot;EvasionLv&quot;:55, &quot;Level&quot;:11, &quot;PatchID&quot;:-1, &quot;SpeedLv&quot;:55, &quot;AccuracyLv&quot;:60, &quot;LifetimeKills&quot;:57, &quot;LifetimeAssists&quot;:47, &quot;LifetimeDamageTaken&quot;:2780, &quot;SpecialLv&quot;:55, &quot;ReactionLv&quot;:55, &quot;Experience&quot;:1548 Change the values accordingly for each squad member. There are other ways to hack this game, such as achievements, scores, etc. But with this info, you should be able to figure the rest out
  3. Name of Game: Robot Bop Game Version if known: 1.3 Steps: Close the game. Open a root enabled file explorer. Navigate to /data/data/com.blacktigergames.robotbop/shared_prefs. Open the file "com.blacktigergames.robotbop.xml" in a text editor. To hack your amount of "Slow Time's", change the value after "RobotBop/GameData/SlowTimeQuantity" to whatever you want. To hack your amount of "Extra Time's", change the value after "RobotBop/GameData/ExtraLifeQuantity" to whatever you want. To hack your highest score, change the value after "RobotBop/GameData/CareerHighScore" to whatever you want. To unlock all of the robots, find the entry "RobotBop/GameData/RobotDataList", and change the statuses from "Locked" to "Unlocked".
  4. Hello guys! Today I am proud to share with you a very exciting tool which I have been working on. Do note that this is currently a Beta and there will be bugs to fix and improvements to be done Ultimate APK Modding Tool What is it? This tool is a tool for BOTH users and modders to enjoy and contribute. It is mainly a tool similar to AT/EE's Autohack and TacoTool for those who are familar with it. For Users Simply just load templates created by other modders and use them freely! For Modders Enter the "Creator Mode" where you are able to create mods and share them with other people, keeping games updated as a team and so on Feedback & Bug Reports Please leave do leave feedback as well as suggestions to improve on the tool to improve the experience of using this program. For bug reports, do state what the bug is, how to replicate it for me to fix these problems Download Ultimate APK Modding Tool BETA: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Dropbox Brave Frontier Global 1.1.21 Mods Template: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Brave Frontier Europe Mods Template: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Brave Frontier Japan 1.2.6 Mods Template: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Kritika 2.5.5 Mods Template: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Summoners War: Sky Arena Mods Template: Mega Zippyshare Mediafire Some images (Album Link) of the tool currently as of 4th October 2014 0100 Simple Menu for users to navigate and use Built-in APK handling features to decompile/recompile and sign APKs for modding "Creator Mode" for modders to create their mods and save them to templates for other users to enjoy Some basic instructions for Modders to use if they are to directly edit the template Simple error checking for templates that were not edited properly


    Version 1.62.2


    Updated HacK All Hacks OnLY For YoU GuYs JOIN TELEGRAM https://t.me/TheGameCheaters


    View File FreeFire Updated HacK All Hacks OnLY For YoU GuYs JOIN TELEGRAM https://t.me/TheGameCheaters Submitter CALISTA Submitted 07/25/2021 Category Free Fire  
  7. Name of Game: Dots Game Version if known: 1.8.2 Steps: Close the game. Open a root enabled file explorer. Navigate to: /data/data/com.nerdyoctopus.gamedots/files. Open .Defaults.plist in a text editor. Go to the top of the file. To hack your score, change the integer value after "highest_score" to whatever you want. To change your amount of dots, change the integer value after "number_of_dots_in_bank" to whatever you want. To change your amount of expanders. change the integer value after "number_of_expanders" to whatever you want. To change your amount of shrinkers, change the integer value after "number_of_shrinkers" to whatever you want. To change your amount of time freezes, change the integer value after "number _of_time_freezes" to whatever you want. Save the file. Open the game.
  8. Name of Game: Colormania Game Version if known: 1.1.5 Steps: Make sure the game is closed. Open a root enabled file explorer. Navigate to: /data/data/air.com.generamobile.colormaniaguess/com.generamobile.colormaniaguess/Local Store Open the file "player.jso" with a text editor. For unlimited lives, change the value after the "lives" value to whatever you want. For No Ads, change the value after the "adsRemoved" value to 1. For unlimited hammers, change the value after "hammers" to whatever you want. For unlimited brushes, change the value after "brushes" to whatever you want. To change what level you are on, change the value after "level" to whatever you want. Save the file with your changes, and open the game.
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