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3 minutes ago, Imp3l said:

my game is 64bit

It became irrelevant now, script works for 32 and 64. Download script and then refine if you want to edit a bit more accurate. Here is example.

I only cheat what you requested using your screenshot. But as in previous video you buy whatever you find interesting.

When the value on the game is -10 you refine 10. -20 in GG you search 20 using the script that i posted before. Then purchase some graveyard or something and the coints will be added. If the value in the game is negative you must edit the values negative. If the the values in game are positive you must edit them positive.

7 minutes ago, Alessa- said:

64bit version 1.04


ignore the money, the price is all free

Your behaviour is just odd. Your making it a habit to reply on the same posts as i do. This can be confusing to me and the one that needs the help. Personally i don't mind that your so driven to help people but just keep in mind to not make this all about you. The only objective with replying on a request would be to provide a solution. Posting two scripts for the same game is just unreasonable. My time gets wasted, your time gets wasted and the original poster of the topic gets confused. Please keep it in mind.

9 hours ago, Platonic said:

Your behaviour is just odd. Your making it a habit to reply on the same posts as i do. This can be confusing to me and the one that needs the help. Personally i don't mind that your so driven to help people but just keep in mind to not make this all about you. The only objective with replying on a request would be to provide a solution. Posting two scripts for the same game is just unreasonable. My time gets wasted, your time gets wasted and the original poster of the topic gets confused. Please keep it in mind.

why confused ? didn't try both?

Posted (edited)

Previous time you repeated an already asked question before the creator of the post even answered that question. That's just pointless.  

If you told on before hand that you wanted to provide a solution i would have revoked my self from this topic because there really is no point in two people trying to make a script for the same thing, not in this case. One of the two his time gets wasted. There is probably several people that have their own solution for the users request. Does everyone now has to post their solution because they think its better?

  • I can understand if someone explains how to find the values manually and others simplified that process by making it a script. Then 2+ people helping makes sense.
  • Or if one's intended solution doesn't work according to users request, so someone else provides something that does works. Then 2+ people trying to help makes sense to.
  • Or if your working together through discussions to reach towards a solution for the user ..that would work to. Usually seen in scripting discussions.

But i just hope your not posting in topics for the sake of some competition in which your solution is ment to be better then everyone else. Also how you add that byte code on every script your posting in a topic kinda seem to me your not that fond of help. 

For example take this topic, i did not reply further as you were asking same question as i did. So personally i understood from that, that you wanted to solve the issue your self(i only think that with you because how you repeated my question). The user was afterwards not replied to for like 5 days... At the end of the day after multiple messages back and forward with user/you it did not work out in which return monkeySan provided a solution that worked. Well...the user asked a script. So maby you can script monkeySans solution or the video.

Also there are enough requests on the forum of people that yet need answers to their questions.

Edited by Platonic
52 menit yang lalu, Platonic berkata:

Sebelumnya Anda mengulangi pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan bahkan sebelum pembuat postingan menjawab pertanyaan itu. Itu tidak ada gunanya.  

Jika Anda memberi tahu sebelumnya bahwa Anda ingin memberikan solusi, saya akan mencabut diri saya dari topik ini karena sebenarnya tidak ada gunanya dua orang mencoba membuat skrip untuk hal yang sama, tidak dalam kasus ini. Salah satu dari dua waktunya terbuang sia-sia. Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang memiliki solusi sendiri untuk permintaan pengguna. Apakah setiap orang sekarang harus memposting solusi mereka karena menurut mereka itu lebih baik?

  • Saya bisa mengerti jika seseorang menjelaskan cara menemukan nilai secara manual dan yang lain menyederhanakan proses itu dengan menjadikannya sebuah skrip. Kemudian 2+ orang membantu masuk akal.
  • Atau jika solusi yang dimaksudkan seseorang tidak berfungsi sesuai permintaan pengguna, maka orang lain menyediakan sesuatu yang berfungsi. Kemudian 2+ orang yang mencoba membantu masuk akal.
  • Atau jika Anda bekerja sama melalui diskusi untuk mencapai solusi bagi pengguna .. itu akan berhasil. Biasanya terlihat dalam diskusi scripting.

Tapi saya hanya berharap Anda tidak memposting topik demi beberapa kompetisi di mana solusi Anda lebih baik daripada orang lain. Juga bagaimana Anda menambahkan kode byte itu pada setiap skrip yang Anda posting dalam suatu topik bagi saya sepertinya Anda tidak terlalu ***** membantu. 

Misalnya ambil topik ini , saya tidak menjawab lebih lanjut karena Anda menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama seperti saya. Jadi secara pribadi saya mengerti dari itu, bahwa Anda ingin menyelesaikan masalah Anda sendiri (saya hanya berpikir demikian dengan Anda karena Anda mengulangi pertanyaan saya). Pengguna kemudian tidak dibalas selama 5 hari ... Pada akhir hari setelah beberapa pesan bolak-balik dengan pengguna / Anda tidak berhasil di mana return monkeySan memberikan solusi yang berhasil. Nah ... pengguna meminta skrip. Jadi mungkin Anda dapat membuat skrip solusi monkeySans atau videonya.

Juga ada cukup banyak permintaan di forum orang-orang yang masih membutuhkan jawaban atas pertanyaan mereka.

I SKip this topic becaus game get update and i cant update becaus my speed internet 300kbps and very slowly for update

And i try  necro game becaus i have this game and not update i create scrip 

Sorry for my bad language englis

  • 2 weeks later...

The script no longer seems to work. I've done it exactly as instructed in the video, and messed with it based on what was typed. Nothing changes.

5 hours ago, blakesr17 said:

The script no longer seems to work. I've done it exactly as instructed in the video, and messed with it based on what was typed. Nothing changes.

well idk what I did, but it works, partially at least. It gives me lots of gold and diamonds, but it also sets my other item values pretty low, but is easy to fix by just spending diamonds to refill the stuff over and over until it becomes positive.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Does anyone have the updated script for the latest version of the game...do i need to open up a different request for the latest version since this is for an older version of the game 

  • 4 months later...
On 10/20/2024 at 10:48 AM, akred said:

Does anyone have the updated script for the latest version of the game...do i need to open up a different request for the latest version since this is for an older version of the game 

I made a simple script for the latest version of the game


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