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Vintage Bus Go


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Hi Everyone, 

I've spent more than 12hrs today trying to mod the coins by different methods I learnt from youtube but none of those even give a clue. I admit that I am like a dumb blindly following approaches without proper understanding what they come from...

I tried exact encrypted searches on the coin values, the results are not the actual value.

I tried fuzzy searches plus many decreased values refinements by joining stages (-30 coins), same, the results are not actual and would even disappear for a couple more searches.

I also tried the XOR methods shown in YT but was not quite sure I was doing them correctly because most clips are silent and don't come with the reason of the approaches.

At last I tried the other way around by group searching 100;100;900;900;1000;1200;900;1000;900;1000;1000;800, which are the prices of the buses in sequence. I found the addresses, could change them to 1 and got them displayed on screen but they are not the actual values as well and the addresses are dynamic where they would change locations every time in switching scenes...

I would be very much appreciated, If anyone would be kind enough to give me some hints.

Just wanted to give my boy a birthday surprise as he is a huge buses fan.

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out of no clue, so then I have been doing my own researches lately. Some websites talked about approaches on Unity games and I used ll2CppDumper to dump from two files:

  • \assets\bin\Data\Managed\Metadata\global-metadata.data
  • \lib\armeabi-v7a\libil2cpp.so

I then got Assembly-CSharp.dll and loaded it in dnSpy and tried to find sth makes sense. So I searched "getcoin" and found below:

    [Address(RVA = "0x209A44", Offset = "0x209A44", VA = "0x209A44")]
    public static int GetCoinNum()
        return 0;

I then went to 0x209A44 and found below codes but now this is the end of my understanding because I know nth about assembly codes...I saw some YT vids where people simply translate some instruction like "return 10000" to ARM codes and paste in but I doubt that would easily crash the game...

Would anybody be kind enough to shed some light or advise me some good tutorial/courses to learn about this? Thanks.


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