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Helping with server storage




My suggestion as to help mitigate storage usage would be regarding this sites saved reply feature. I noticed that these saved content replies are saved for atleast 24 hours and I believe that reducing this timer might help with server space if it becomes problematic with the expansion of the site. I do recognize that you guys are archiving posts to compensate however I do not know if those current efforts are enough or even if these saved replies even take up that must storage ( I know characters such as letters and numbers are literally only bytes of information but even bytes would add up with such a large user base) 

Please be understanding if this is a ridiculous or redundant suggestion as I am not exactly even remotely aware of how much storage this effects or even how big of a problem server storage is. I just hope to provide a helpful suggestion if it is not helpful I do understand how ignorant I am about the topic so a response pointing out such isn't necessary I'd prefer just a confirmation on whether this would be helpful

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