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Toy Odyssey values won't change - what am I doing wrong?

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Hi guys,

GG v8.61.3

Game: Toy Odyssey The Lost and Found v1.0

Android, running on BlueStacks 3 (rooted, with Super Su installed)

Problem: Can't modify "coin" value (I think they refer to them as nuts, as in nuts and bolts, in the game).

What I've tried:

  • Successfully modified values in other games, so my GG is working OK.
  • Value searches on the specific value displayed on screen, without encryption enabled
  • Fuzzy searches, using both specific differences on amounts added or subtracted, and also the "decreased" and "increased" options
  • Value searches on the specific value displayed on screen WITH encryption - and this has managed to get the hits down to 3 or 4... but changing any of those has zero effect on the game. All of the values returned have the same address, and each of them a different data type - D-Word, Word, Byte and Xor (which usually has a very large (10-digit) negative number against it.

I've tried modifying them, freezing them, freezing them but allowing increase. Not entirely sure what else there is I can try? I'm obviously missing something... but not too sure what. I've confirmed it's an offline-able game by disabling the network card on my PC to stop it from getting out to the 'net.

Any suggestions please?

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Been having a look through the tutorials, guides, etc. that I can find, but haven't been able to find a solution to my problem. No-one with any suggestions? @Enyby - don't really like tagging you specifically, but doing so in the hope you have a really quick-fire answer/suggestion that may be of help without having to spend any time on it (other than reading the above to see what I've missed)?

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Value relocates on it changing.... So would need to do, unknown dword. When it changes by 1, unknown change. Then search qty.  I'll get a better method to help pin point the value when i figure out more.

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Dword search


Offset -18 (hex) from either of them.

Copy the value at this location.

Value formats are this.


Value you copied






Qty of item


So anytime you collect or spend, the value is in a new location but always this format. So if you have enough in your total balance, you can find it and edit it fairly quickly.

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Awesome, tyvm for the info - not entirely sure how to use it, but I'll work it out... heh. Also, thanks for the suggestion on editing the save - hadn't thought of hitting it from that angle, which may be easier (or may entirely ***** it up lol. Will be sure to make backups before going down that route).

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Sorry NoFear - not having much luck working this out ?

Any chance you can do a quick step-by-step for me, because I'm obviously missing something with what I'm doing. Sorry - have looked at all the tute's etc. I can find on this to try and work it out so I don't waste your time... but yeah... here I am... lol

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