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How to find/modify a random chance event?



I'm running out of ideas for this one. Hoping somebody can think of a method I haven't tried yet.

Game is Dragon Quest V. For those that don't know, it's a Final Fantasy type RPG. You have a party of characters, turn-based battles, random encounters, etc. There is no encryption and values are easy to find.

I'm trying to recruit a monster called a liquid metal slime. To recruit a monster, it has to be one that you can recruit, has to be the last monster defeated in a battle, and it depends on that monsters recruitment chance. Each monster has three probabilities for recruiting it. They have a base recruitment chance, then a lower chance for recruiting a second monster of that type, and again for a third which is the limit. The liquid metal slime that I have not recruited yet has a base recruitment chance of 1/256 according to the community. Where they found that number I don't know but it's in every monster guide.

To increase my chances, I've already found an address that decides what monsters are in the next encounter and have it frozen for the monster I want so they appear in every encounter. I've also frozen the HP and agility of enemy monsters so I can easily ensure I defeat one every battle and that they are the last monster defeated. Unfortunately after a week and hundreds of battles, no luck yet.

So I've been trying to find the values surrounding recruitment chances. Here's what I've done so far:

- At the end of battle, searched for 256, then fought another monster with a recruitment chance of 1/2 and searched for 2. Left with 2 results and the next battle showed these addresses to be wrong.

- Tried the above but with 0.5 for the 1/2 and less than 0.5 for the 1/256.

- Found the address that held the value for the last defeated monster. Tried freezing it to a monster with the 1/2 chance hoping that the value will somehow point to the 1/2 chance instead.

- Tried battling the 1/2 chance monster and using a fuzzy search for when the recruit offer happens vs when it doesn't. Didn't work but might not be a viable way because the recruitment offer is an extra dialog that happens at the end of battle. If there is no recruitment offer then there is no dialog and you just return from battle normally. I've noticed that some values change when you return from battle thereby invalidating the fuzzy search.

- Figured maybe there was a random number calculation that happens at the end of battle so I froze the values that would change and did a fuzzy search for anything that changes every battle.

Still no luck. Anybody know of another strategy?

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Game use pointers? 

Could do a utf 16 search of the name of the character in battle. Then save the address location.. 

Then search utf16 of the character you want. 

Search the address location in hex of the character in level. 

Replace value with address location (hex) of the one you want... 


Is a thought, I would have to install the game to see how values are so and what not. 

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