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Letting off some steam


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Before I begin, I'd like to make sure anyone reading this is fully aware of a few things:

1.) Anything stated in this thread are opinions, and not nessasarily the opinions of GameGuardian.net, its owners, its employees or its members.

2.) The opinions stated herein are not intended to be offensive to any members or staff of GameGuardian.net.

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4.) If you find yourself critically offended by one or more of my opinions, rather than causing a commotion in the forum, please contact me (or a member of the staff) directly. From what I have experienced thus far, this forum is a peaceful community and I intend to keep it that way.

First, let me point out that I live in NYC (New York City), and about the only time I play any form of games on my device is when I'm traveling in one of the giant, metallic, subterranean worms that we lovingly call a subway train. Because of this, it makes playing any game that requires network access somewhat problematic. I find it incredibly annoying that 3/4 of the games I find myself even remotely interested in, require an active network connection. That's OK. Many of those games can (and are) quickly modded to no longer require said connection. However, I'm finding it increasingly more common that these games are now being marketed as MMO games, despite the fact that you will never actually see another player in the game (even in the stripped down pvp elements, its simply the other players character data being loaded, and controlled by the games AI). This, annoys me greatly.

Moreover, the thing that I find most annoying is on Google Play itself. I grew up a fan of RPG games and adventure games, and that has translated into my preference in games for my android as well. Take a look at the categories section on Google Play. It has a category that quite bluntly is called "Action and Adventure". This should theoretically excite me. However when I browse through the games in that category, I'm bombarded with games that, at fiery glance, seem like they might be entertaining, only to quickly discover that its nothing more than a cheap TCG (Trading Card Game) with pretty pictures and a few scantily clad (practically hentai) anime women (girls) to help with marketing. That's not action. That's not adventure. That's Pokemon, or Magic: The Gathering, sprinkled with cartoon thighs and ***** so people will be interested. Its annoying.

These games say that your a "Knight" or some other form of warrior, out to save the world with......a deck of playing cards. Right. That's totally believable. Unless your Gambit from the X-men, if you walk up to me with a pack of cards in your hand threatening to "battle me", the only things you'll be getting is a backhand to the face and a complimentary atomic wedgie to remind you of your foolishness. These are not RPG games, nor are they adventure games. They're most assuredly not "action" games either. If the most intense thing that your character (that you never see anyway) has to worry about is papercuts and the occasional wedgie for being a buffoon, you have no right to market yourself as "action" or "adventure", and you should stop flagging yourself as an "RPG" also. Get in the "casual" section where you belong.

Between those two problems, I'm practically wanting to rip my hair out. Even doing a search for RPG, mostly yields MMO's or these utterly rediculus trading card games. How is the line "Collect cards!" supposed to be appealing? You want me to collect cards? I have a stack of 52 (plus two jokers) right on my shelf. I think I'm good. And until they find a way to play MMO's alone, while traveling underground at over sixty miles an hour, I think MMO's are out also.

Well, now that my head is completely swimming with confusion, I think I'll bring this session to a close. I can only go so far off topic and still make sense. I hope someone gets a laugh out of this. Or, even better, if someone else actually agrees.


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  • 6 months later...

I totally agree with you. Gaming on generally all platforms seem to be spiraling down. Most new games are a lot less challenging and a bit too social. Freemium game makers like kabam, mobage and glu are rolling in dough they make out of crappy games with in-app purchase.

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  • 8 months later...

I agree with a lot of what you said. The only thing is that there a lot of decent games out there that don't need an internet connection. Some paid games like Modern Combat and N.O.V.A. are good. You can also try the amazing Google to search for some free to play games. There are a lot of freemium games out there though, so watch out

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  • 2 weeks later...

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