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Trasd is in the house....


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Hey guys!

Just introducing myself. Hello...

First, to the developer, I want to say THANK YOU! Nice job and very useful app.


I am so sick of the money grabbers that ruin potentially great apps with in-game purchasing. It's not like Android is not still in it's infancy - they can't understand that as far as mobile OSs, it's got staying power.

They are so worried about raking us over the the coals, it seems none of them grasp the benefits of maintaining a good reputation. I believe they believe Android is just a flash in the pan and they are trying to get our money while the getting is good. Face it, if the professional app developers were worried about a long term relationship with their customers, there would be no reason for GameGuardian to exist.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with in-game purchasing like some of the RPG MMOs, e.g. Turbine's DDO or LotRO, but at least they are upfront and fair about their terms and conditions. They don't charge you $5 (after already purchasing the app) to get the ability to save your game.



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Thanks d2, I figured this group would have similar feelings.

But, I forgot to mention the fun and satisfaction obtained when you finally edit that magic memory location. It also helps me understand the OS for when I finally get around to learning its programming nuances and "rules."

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Thanks d2, I figured this group would have similar feelings.

But, I forgot to mention the fun and satisfaction obtained when you finally edit that magic memory location. It also helps me understand the OS for when I finally get around to learning its programming nuances and "rules."

Yep. And this memory editing can be used on other devices, such as PSP and Wii.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Yep. And this memory editing can be used on other devices, such as PSP and Wii.

Oh yea, I've been "hacking" for more than 30 years! I'm just glad you made it so much easier for Android.

Helped me with The Bard's Tale, too...

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Oh yea, I've been "hacking" for more than 30 years! I'm just glad you made it so much easier for Android.

Helped me with The Bard's Tale, too...

Wow, that's a long time! lol, I've only been on the hacking Android scene for less than a year, lol. Glad to have you here!

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Wow, that's a long time! lol.gif, I've only been on the hacking Android scene for less than a year, lol.gif. Glad to have you here!

Jeez, no lie, I have only been in the scene for 4/5 years

Yep, I was around (teenager) when the first PC came out and since dad worked for IBM, we got one almost immediately. I had a TI 99/4A before that - we rigged a tape-recorder to work as a backup system so we didn't have to reenter our programs every time it was turned on! But, I think a more accurate statement would have been "I've been hacking for more than 30 years, off and on." lol
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Jmorri dates back to the commodore 64 and apple IIE days lol first comp with and was a xt then got a286 and progressed from there lol

But like I've told d2d I started with hex editors/save editing, cheat'o'matic, and art money when it came out as well. So I'm there in the past with you too lol

Posted by Jmorri2011~Admin~

From my Rooted Motorola Droid4 via TapaTalk 2

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  • 2 months later...
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Wow, long absence for me! Had a grandchild (my first), moved lock, stock, and barrel to a new state, but now I'm back on the job. Just wanted to say that I haven't disappeared. Any new developments I should be aware of?

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