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  1. slight correction, in my method if you use group size don't forget the 0D so the syntax should be String Length Dword ; 0 Dword ; Query : Group size The 0D is always be there, if you see it on the memory view, example 11 Dword > String Length of Said Item 0 Dword > uncertain what this meant but it's there 1953396072 Dword > first dword values of said item ID 1667199589 Dword > second dword values of said item ID .....
  2. the :25 called as group size, and it differs each device type, for me it works with 20, some might be 30,25,24 etc. its best to use :512 ( default GG group size or in short dont add group size at all and let GG decide)
  3. 15D;1,701,994,852D;1,769,366,884D;1,802,723,180D;7,105,653D:25 Here ya go! Also I recommend using these sites: https://string-functions.com/string-hex.aspx (To convert string names to hex) example: you want the item daredevil skull. The name of the item can be accessed onced you extract the apk. It is under assets>image>items. Once you've found the name of your item, group the letters in your item name by 4. Example: Daredevil_skull = dare ; devi ; l_sk ; ull ;. Then reverse them. You now have: erad ; ived ; ks_l ; llu. Then copy each group on the site I've provided above one by one NOTE: BE MINDFUL OF YOUR UPPERCASE AND LOWERCASE. Lowercase is usually the go to here. Example: erad should be 65726164 when converted into hex. After converting, copy your hex value into this website https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html Don't forget to set it from hexadecimal to decimal. Following the sequence, the decimal of 65726164 is 1701994852. Then that is your 1st portion of your pointer search. Do all the same to the other group. After you've done converting each group to decimal, it is time to lay it out in the same order. That means: Daredevil_skull in pointer search is 15D;1,701,994,852D;1,769,366,884D;1,802,723,180D;7,105,653D:25 Note that the "15D" is the number of letters or strings found in the "Daredevil_skull", including the symbols, 1,701,994,752D is "erad" then so on and so forth, always end it with ":25". I don't know if it is constant 25 or are there items that has an exeption on this rule, but :25 is always my way to go to. After all of this you can recheck your pointer by converting it again from deci to hex to string, but it is not compulsory. (As a med student, I usually do this so that when I work on the field, double-checking is always my top priority, lol)
  4. View File PG3D all weapon unlocker With this script you can buy almost any weapon you want! This script was done with the help of HorridModz! Thank you! After about 50 hours of work, it's finally done! You will be able to purchase approximately 970 weapons! What we will probably update in the future - We will also add weapons that will be added in the pixelgun update. This will continue until the script is no longer available!!! - To make it easier to understand, I am going to group them by 100 with gallery numbers. Please check within the script for other information. If you still don't understand, contact me at subacc001#2578! Submitter red091753 Submitted 11/01/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 1.1.2


    With this script you can buy almost any weapon you want! This script was done with the help of HorridModz! Thank you! After about 50 hours of work, it's finally done! You will be able to purchase approximately 970 weapons! What we will probably update in the future - We will also add weapons that will be added in the pixelgun update. This will continue until the script is no longer available!!! - To make it easier to understand, I am going to group them by 100 with gallery numbers. Please check within the script for other information. If you still don't understand, contact me at subacc001#2578!
  6. im not entirely sure why, there's no option about it when i upload it, and it also said 8 downloads in the embed, it's either your account or something, but i pretty much can download attachments without issues. Here's how i find the Instant Level groups, bit raw compared the script ones https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19033-day-r-survival/?do=findComment&comment=134392
  7. Here a Pointers for MAX values for HP, Food, Water, Energy ( They're grouped close ) Since they're grouped, we just only need the HP pointer to finds the others Query this Value: 327,613,640 Type: Dword We should get one address then offset it by Offset: -C (Hex) Type: Dword The result should be 0 in Dword, i checks it multiple times after that pointer search that new address you offset-ed then we'll find alot of addresses Offset all of these addresses you got from pointer search by Offset: 20 (Hex) Type: Double p.s : you can use tool called Change Address / type on list tab. and then we refine these addresses by Value: 100 Type: DOUBLE and we should get 2 address, one of the address just a dummy address (i assume) next, find the real one by increment. after you find the real HP address. p.s: remember to make copy of them, Change Address / type tool should have make a copy option copy the address and offset it by 70 (hex), and that's your Food Address (value will be 100 too) and offset the Food address by 70 (hex) again, and that's your Water, and offset Water by 70 (hex) again, yes i know. And that's your Energy address. and that's the groups. so the end structure will be Name - Value - Offset (Hex) HP - 100.0 - Reference point Food - 100.0 - 70 from HP Water - 100.0 - 70 from Food | E0 from HP Energy - 100.0 - 70 from Water | 150 from HP if you interested to add these to scripts, feel free to do so btw.
  8. Okay, after spending quite hours on GG, i find a static group value for level hack ( i use new game save to test it, and it might changed for each devices, i use v1.730 fa) Search : 112;4;0;0.5E;1.75F;3;0;5;68;16,842,780 Default Group Type: Dword Im unsure about the ordered value, i use default :512 and also those group search are offset-ed by 4 (as gg offset calculator suggested). **64 - **68 = 4 This group search will gives you 200+ results now filter it with Filter : 0.5 Type: Double Now, you should have 1 results ( 0.5 Double), change it to 1, Do search/hunt, something that adds levels, and you should be lvl 100 after that, feel free to revert it back to 0.5 if you want. P.S I also tried on my other profile that's level 49 and it works fine, it'll not go beyond lvl 100. for perk it'll gave you 91 in total
  9. Here are the steps you need to follow to invite your friends to a WhatsApp group. The CHATS tab can also be tapped and held to select a group. Select More options > Group information. Invite via the link by tapping it. Select whether to send the link via WhatsApp, copy the link, or share the link via another app.
  10. Any idea group search adress since its 690 I wanted to search with following the main adress since i tried it on old adress and not work only Saw 0 the adress on my script 7846F75290 What to do
  11. Try this app it can even dump protected libil2cpp.sp with no error Il2CppDumperGUI 2.0.0.apk I got this from apk editor pro telegram chat group
  12. Dumping the whole thing isn't a good idea, believe it or not it can sizes more than 40 gig's If you cant find the il2cpp that mean the game is not unity based or the dev have changed the lib name to confuse people like us
  13. Collen

    Reset all changes

    You need clear before make another search, and also make sure that GG are finding that group search. You need use gg.clearResults() always at the function start, works for me.
  14. Please help me understand how group search works. I read the description in "GG Help", but in fact nothing is clear. In the game CodyCross: Crossword Puzzles, I wanted to change the reward that gives achievements. "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fanatee.cody&hl=en" For example, I entered - 10;10:512 gave me 1100 values, and if I enter 10;10;10:512, then 500 values will already be displayed, and if 10;10;10;10:512, already 0. I don’t understand why this is so, because there are about 30 achievements in the game for completing which give 10 currencies each, but at the same time I can’t find a value that would change at least one of them. Each time the search returns different results and I don't understand why. Help me understand, once I accidentally found 1 value that can change the reward, it was in Dword A:Anonymous, but when I tried to find it again, nothing came of it.
  15. @HorridModz Provides a Nice detailed explanation. Hex patching is rather easy as it's only a form of data that simply overwrited / added, the important thing is: to understand the assembly itself. Probably I'll provide a little more coverage about the topic. [ Usage ] - Replacement: You can only replace hex at fixed length. The hex length is depends on Data types that you're dealing with, it could be a Set / Subset Instruction. In general it can take 2-4 bytes, make sure to read the instruction as a string not in hex form. More simple coverage on the next section. - Addition: This used when doing references such as memory allocation. To manually add a custom instruction; you need to write it in empty/unread memory region (the indication is: it's filled with 00) and then reference the game function to your allocated memory. It's the general idea, you shouldn't be worry about it; most tools already provide this feature. Why no substraction? You can't remove a function even after proper patching and 'disabling' any reference to that function, directly or memorily. It leads to data corrupt/crashing; so it's uncommon. You can use this to cut fake data (such as malware app that filled with 00 to make a large size) because "they" only add additional hex at the end. There's more reason to this. [ Data Types ] - Function/Instructional data takes 4 length; mov r0, r0 #00 00 A0 E1 bx lr #1E FF 2F E1 - Inner Function/Subset Instruction takes 2-4 length. It's called as thumb and can be found on 32-bit architecture. mov r0, r0 #00 46 bx lr #70 47 [ Patching ] - Lazy Patch: You can 'remove' instruction without removal, simply fills with 00. This off course wouldn't work if the app have high security but the benefit is: You don't need to understand Assembly. - Proper Patch: You can just memorize this common patch and applies it anywhere; it's simple and not a time consuming. Well, for more instruction patches; you need to learn assembly. Learn returning values and Jump instruction (BL/JMP) patches would mostly help. [Patch 1] Instruction: mov r0, r0 Arm Encoded: 00 00 A0 E1 Thumb Encoded: 00 46 [Patch 2]: Usually a boolean/takes value Instruction: mov r0, #0 Arm Encoded: 00 00 A0 E3 Thumb Encoded: 4F F0 00 00 [End Patch]: Indicate closing, put after patches Instruction: bx lr Arm Encoded: 1E FF 2F E1 Thumb Encoded: 70 47 [ Misc ] - 00 is equal to 1 Hex - Hex can present in 00 or 0x00 - Thumb can be found on 32-Bit Architecture (x86, Armeabi / Armv7 / Arm32 ) - Thumb can also takes 4 length; the same length as Arm encoded - To differentiate Thumb and Arm encoding; 1) Copy the instruction hex, 2) Compare hex and instruction, including after and before offset
  16. btw..the group search codes(armv8) are still working. just increase the group size to 3929
  17. Did some quick checking and its a first for me to, to see the names are scattered around in different locations in memory. I can't give you a solution. There are also two global metadata headers i believe. Can't spectate it because lost access to 010 Editor but you can search the magical bytes in Ca and copy. I believe header size is 272 bytes. But this could be 264 bytes as well i believe. If you would replace the header from the meta in Others with that of Ca il2cppdumper would recognize it as a valid metadata. But then the values in the header don't correspond with the rest of the metadata. So if the metadata is encrypted the meta in Ca is the one that has no encryption. But im just assuming here. You would need to look deeper in to it. Both meta headers point to different code/meta registration. I'm not sure if its realistic to say that you could try to fix the values in the Others metadata so that it corresponds to the data of the Ca meta header? This was just some idea. Further then that i can't help you. But perhaps people more suitable for the issue can help you.
  18. I believe the script is understandable if you understand the game a bit. I just try to avoid group searches and repeating behaviour which slows down the script or increases its size or makes me spend more time writhing. For load all cheats with group search it takes one minute. By making this script with offsets it only takes 10 sec. Then checks are also there to alert if values changed or things like that. Everything has purpose. Its also more easy for me to update as i don't need to change much things.
  19. If still not working, you should search your value again and make a fresh new group search.
  20. I already have the value... Someone helped me searched for it, been using it in my other phone and it was this code "1.0F;0.33333334327F;0.02999999933F::9" The problem is, when I switched to a different phone... The code is not working anymore. Same game, same execution. When I do the group search, there's no values found. Can you help me with this sir? Tnx in advance. received_3229280607337766.mp4
  21. View File XAPK Maker The obb and apk copyr for the app is already installed to generate the complete xapk. Mistakenly created manifest.json file for apxapk installer. Telagram Group Telagram Channel YouTube Channel The steps are as follows: Submitter TisNquyen Submitted 08/26/2022 Category Tools  
  22. View File Tower of Fantasy Features: Player Animation speed Game speed Player object speed Double Jump Player object size Supply Pods detecting Range Dodge range Damage Enemy Teleport Note: Script detects when your in lobby or in match, so no need to restart the script your self as it will do automatically. Creator: Platonic Will more features be added? -> perhaps(when i have time) Video: Submitter Platonic Submitted 08/26/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  23. Version 1.9


    Features: Player Animation speed Game speed Player object speed Double Jump Player object size Supply Pods detecting Range Dodge range Damage Enemy Teleport Note: Script detects when your in lobby or in match, so no need to restart the script your self as it will do automatically. Creator: Platonic Will more features be added? -> perhaps(when i have time) Video:
  24. TisNquyen

    XAPK Maker

    Version 1.0.5a


    The obb and apk copyr for the app is already installed to generate the complete xapk. Mistakenly created manifest.json file for apxapk installer. Telagram Group Telagram Channel YouTube Channel The steps are as follows:
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