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  1. yea working till now
  2. nice nice keep it up
  3. req 3 gb ram or high [added 1 minute later] btw thanks tanks enyby..
  4. nice this is the best virtual app iv ever install
  5. they cant block also GG how power full GG has .. iLL show your app power sir later ..i upload video [added 4 minutes later] https://a2zapk.com/570460-vmos-virtual-android-on-android-double-your-system-1-0-09-a2z.html
  6. ill wait sir thank you .. nahh they cant block vmos cause its rooted haha tnx tnx tnx
  7. i need speed hack .. summoners war block all virtual spaces now i cant open that app on any virtual
  8. :((( sir enby i try v 8 .5 .5 1 green botton apear but if i click speed hack function game is freezing
  9. Wed Aug 14 09:49:11 GMT+08:00 2019 /storage/sdcard/GG_logcat_r86.0_15428_5.1.1_22.log 86.0 (15428) 1-8-1565677628000-92948C50074CDB26-8992 2-0-315511200000-BD0CC5FB04EB4305-6300484 0-8-1565677628000-D8CD19334A21A95A-1724424 49927258 780 18718c98964 on Android(ACTIVE_CODENAMES: []; CODENAME: REL; INCREMENTAL: eng.zeng.20190614.181054; RELEASE: 5.1.1; RESOURCES_SDK_INT: 22; SDK: 22; SDK_INT: 22; BOARD: smdk4x12; BOOTLOADER: unknown; BRAND: OPPO; CPU_ABI: armeabi-v7a; CPU_ABI2: armeabi; DEVICE: CPH1823; DISPLAY: LMY48G test-keys; FINGERPRINT: Android/aosp_arm/generic:5.1.1/LMY48G/zeng06141811:user/test-keys; HARDWARE: smdk4x12; HOST: redfinger-server; ID: LMY48G; IS_DEBUGGABLE: false; MANUFACTURER: vivo; MODEL: vmos; PRODUCT: CPH1823; RADIO: unknown; SERIAL: CUYP6HFYGYMRE6IN; SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS: [armeabi-v7a, armeabi]; SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS: []; SUPPORTED_ABIS: [armeabi-v7a, armeabi]; TAGS: test-keys; TIME: 1560507261000; TYPE: user; UNKNOWN: unknown; USER: zeng; ) su /data/data/com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem/files /data/data/com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem/files com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem 2 com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem 4 false Files: /data/data/com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem/files com.vtskqodenbvckszrvzem 1 searching is working well 2 no green botton of speedhack function not working on vmos android help me please
  10. btw thanks to this script it works for me fine .. grand master to mytic .. tnx tnx
  11. noob wtf is ur problem. u dono have brains? for me its very very big help. if im getting ambush ..and warning my team mates
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